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Expulsion Services


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Expulsion Services

District Expulsion Consultant: Mary Renton
Email:  [email protected]
Office: 303-387-9673
District Cell: 720-355-1141


DC Student Assistance Department has implemented an Expulsion Program to provide educational services for middle and high school students who have been expelled from school. 

The program provides expelled students with online academic instruction in all core courses and electives, with the goal that the student maintains and increases skills in these instruction areas. There will be an Expulsion Specialist assigned to the student from their home school and they will be responsible for meeting with student and family to review the expectations of the expulsion.

The Expulsion Lead will create an Expulsion Folder with Education Plan, Pacing Guide, Communication Log, and weekly academic progress reporting.  This folder is then shared with the Expulsion Specialist to help track and maintain student progress.

The Expulsion Specialist will identify and document classes and requirements of the expulsion within the Expulsion Education Plan to facilitate learning during the time of the expulsion.  

Tutoring labs are available Monday through Thursday both in-person and/or virtual from the DC Student Assistance Department, 373 Inverness Pkwy Suit #201 location, by appointment only.   This service is offered for all expelled students, providing academic support, for their online coursework.