Dealing with Asthma at School
If your student has asthma, he/she may need medication while in school. A Medication Request and Agreement form should be downloaded and returned to the school for each medication your student may need during the school day.
If your student will use a nebulizer:
Please complete the Student Medication Request and Release Agreement form for the nebulizer, as well as the medications that would be provided in the nebulizer, and return the form to your school. An "Asthma Action Plan" is also needed for the use of a nebulizer unless it is ordered at a certain time daily. The medication will be kept in the school's health room.
Most elementary age students do not carry their own medication, but it can be kept in the classroom for easy access. An adult can help your student know how long it has been since the medication was last used and can also alert you if your student is getting into trouble.
If you would like your student to carry their medication:
Please download the Contract to Carry / Self Administer Medication form and the Permission to Carry / Self Administer Medication form. This contract is between you, your student, physician and the School Nurse. We recommend that you have a back up inhaler that will be kept in the health room in case your student misplaces or forgets their medication and it is not available when needed.
Please be sure all medications have a pharmacy label with your student's name. Please label both the aero chamber and a peak flow meter if you are providing one. If the medication does not have a pharmacy label (i.e., it is a sample from the doctor), the nurse will need to label the inhaler for you so it can be used at school.
If your student has an "Asthma Action Plan" from their physician, please bring a copy of it to school. It is important for us to know what triggers your student's asthma and how to best treat it.
The School Nurse will review the forms and create a health care plan, if needed, to ensure that your child receives safe and effective care for their asthma while they are in school.