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Safety and Security FAQ s

Q: Who has access to the video recording at school?

A: Only Security, Law Enforcement and School Administration have access to the video. Video recordings are considered an educational record and is subject to the limitation of the privacy act.  All requests to view video go through our Legal Department's Open Records Requests (CORA)

Q: What is the School Resource Officer's (SRO) job?

A: In 1988, the Douglas County Sheriff's Office partnered with the Douglas County School District to create a School Resource Officer (SRO) program to positively impact the relationship between law enforcement and the young people of the community.

The program began with one deputy/officer serving all secondary schools in the county. At that time, the main focus of the program was creating a liaison between the sheriff's office and students. Consequently, the SRO worked in a non-enforcement capacity, concentrating instead on teaching classes, informally counseling students, and fostering positive relationships with student leaders.

Since then, the needs of the community have changed, and the role of the SRO has expanded to meet those needs. Today, Douglas County Sheriff's Office, Castle Rock Police Department,  Parker Police Department and Lone Tree Police Department have formal agreements with DCSD to provide full-time SROs in all middle schools and high schools, with additional SROs to service each of our elementary schools. The SROs are a uniformed presence in the schools, taking incident and offense reports, investigating crimes that occur on school grounds, and gathering intelligence information about potential threats to the schools. At the same time, the SROs have retained their liaison, educational, and counseling roles, resulting in a full range of interaction with students on a daily basis.  High schools and middle schools have on-site Campus Security Specialists patrolling the interior and exterior of the campuses who interact with students, staff and the assigned SROs on a daily basis to provide and enhance school safety in a variety of methods.  DCSD also has armed managerial security personnel who oversee the security specialists.  These armed District staff conduct safety training sessions with each school during each semester and receive extensive training from law enforcement partners in school life safety matters.

Each of the SROs has completed formal School Resource Officer (SRO) training sponsored by the National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO). They also attend periodic refresher training, both locally and nationally, to ensure that they remain on the cutting edge of this vital community service.

Q: What does the district do to plan for emergencies?

A: The District established an Incident Management Team which meets bi-annually. Some team members have received certification at the Federal Emergency Management Institute all-hazard emergency management. Other team members and crisis responders have completed a week-long training from the National Organization of Victim Advocates. National Homeland Security efforts, combined with collaboration with local law enforcement agencies, have helped in information sharing and response.

The District has also developed and implemented an Emergency Operations Plan that meets the requirements of Federal and State laws requiring school districts to plan and prepare for emergencies.  In the event of an incident or emergency requiring reunification, the District will implement plans that include armed staff, law enforcement and administration.

Each school site is required to complete a site hazard assessment, conduct regular emergency drills and update their emergency plan annually.

Q: Do you provide site security?

A: High schools and middle schools have on-site SROs, as well as Campus Security Specialists who patrol the interior and exterior of the campuses, and who interact with students, staff and the assigned SROs on a daily basis to provide and enhance school safety in a variety of methods.  DCSD employs armed patrol staff to assist where needed, and we partner with our local law enforcement agencies to provide SROs to service each of our elementary schools.  With the passing of the 2023 Mill Levy Override, Campus Security Specialists are currently being hired for placement in neighborhood elementary schools.