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Partnership for Safety

Keeping Douglas County schools safe is a community effort

The Safety Committee was formed at the beginning of 2013, following the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. Shortly after the tragedy, the school district convened local law enforcement to discuss ways to improve safety.

The committee includes representatives from the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, Castle Rock Police Department, Castle Rock Fire Department, Lone Tree Police Department, Parker Police Department, Douglas County School District leaders who represent each school level, and a community member.

The group reviews changes or improvements to the following:
Protocol – Reviewing the effectiveness of current security procedures and whether new practices are needed.
Deterrence – Determining whether facilities should be hardened using additional technology, personnel or other means.
Isolation – Additional measures available to help to isolate a threat inside a facility.
Screening – Assessing potential threats or improvements needed at school entry points.
Training – Ensuring that students and staff are prepared and practiced for any situation that they might encounter.