Parent Engagement
Research shows a direct correlation between parents involved in the education of students and high student achievement. Douglas County School District is committed to increasing parent involvement to ensure DCSD students are the highest achieving in the state.
Many opportunities exist in each school to increase parent involvement. DCSD also works to involve parents in the decision-making, accountability, and guidance of the schools and the district. Ensuring that the needs of students are represented is vital to the remarkable success of DCSD.
An important way DCSD involves parents is through the School Accountability Committee (SAC) and District Accountability Committee (DAC). These advisory committees represent the local control aspect of each school in the district and are required by Colorado state law, according to the Educational Accountability Act of 2009.
Committee Involvement
Each School Accountability Committee (SAC) is an advisory committee composed of parents, community leaders, principals, and teachers who meet and discuss topics of vital importance to their individual school. The SAC makes a recommendation to the principal regarding how the school should spend money, engage parents, create strategies for success, and any other areas or issues that affect the function of the school and the success of students. This important committee meets regularly throughout the school year and is a critical component in the oversight of the school and success of students and staff. Contact your school directly for more information about its School Accountability Committee. |
The District Accountability Committee (DAC) meets monthly throughout the year and makes recommendations to the Douglas County School Board of Education regarding spending district money, charter school applications, improvement plans and parent engagement plans. DAC members also make recommendations for areas and issues for study, as well as teacher and principal assessment tools. This committee collects feedback from and provides information to the SAC. |
The Fiscal Oversight Committee (FOC) assists the Board of Education in fulfilling its fiscal oversight responsibilities. The FOC does not assume the ultimate fiscal responsibilities of the Board of Education. The Board and the Superintendent retain the ultimate responsibility for the District's financial condition and for decision-making in all matters of policy and operation.
The Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) is charged to study school district facility and capacity needs. This citizen-based group keeps close track of new housing developments and student enrollment trends. Recommendations are made to the Board of Education on capacity needs, attendance boundaries and school locations, and other issues related to facilities.
The Mill Bond Oversight Committee (MBOC) is charged with becoming familiar with the 2018 Mill Levy Override (MLO) and Bond program and project list, monitoring the progress of the improvements and programs being implemented and ensuring that MLO/Bond expenditures are in alignment with ballot language approved by voters.
The Mill Bond Exploratory Committee (MBEC) is charged with exploring the needs of the school district, both ongoing operational and capital needs, and assessing the feasibility of a successful Mill Levy Override (MLO) and/or Bond on future ballots.