Outstanding Graduates
Class of 2024
Cody Craven
ThunderRidge High School
I will enlist in the Army and be stationed in Germany
Varsity wrestling all four years of high school
Peer counselor
Senior Superlative Award winner
“I had a great experience here at ThunderRidge and they have prepared me well for my future. I have learned the skills that I will need to be successful in life and be able to navigate my future.”
Braden Davila
Eagle Academy High School
I will attend Arapahoe Community College
- Plans to study biology
- Wants to become a wildlife biologist or a zoologist
- Achieved high honor roll recognition numerous times while working 40 hours a week
“My education prepared me through two different incomes. Firstly the general and overall knowledge I have received from high school is a fantastic baseline for me to build off of. Secondly, I work inside a greenhouse. Tending to plants and manning the nursery has taught me well in the matters of how these different plants associate themselves with what kinds of soil, mulch, or substrate they grow in. I also got forklift certified which is pretty cool!”
Charlie Ferguson
D.C. Oakes High School
I will attend Emily Griffith Technical College
Plans to study cosmetology
Assisted at various school functions including graduation, school plays and auctions
Became an “A” student after transferring to Oakes
“Oakes more than anything helped me prepare for the future by simply teaching me to love and respect myself. Life can be very difficult for those who don’t have the ability to stand up for themselves. Oakes and the people I’ve met there have taught me I’m a person worthy of a bright future.”
Skylar Garnett
Mountain Vista High School
I will attend Occidental College
- Plans to study physics
- Finished second in the Academic Decathlon’s national interview competition
- Thespian Conference attendee
“I was able to explore many different subjects ranging from physics and dancing, to quantum physics and calculus, to determine what I enjoyed.”
Maanasi Gowda
Mountain Vista High School
I will attend the University of Denver
- Plans to pursue a career in law
- Boettcher Scholarship recipient
- Participant in the Festival of Winds as a pianist
“I had lots of great teachers and counselors along the way that worked with me outside of school to foster and grow my interests in certain areas of my life that I am very thankful for. They supported me when I needed it and provided every opportunity for me to grow and be who I am.”
Clara Griffith
Ponderosa High School
I will attend Montana State University
- Plans to study mechanical engineering
- First female in Colorado to letter in both Skills USA and automotive club
- Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Queen 2022-2023
“My coursework and education very much helped me be ready for college and my future career. I took a lot of shop classes such as welding and woodshop, so that when I develop a design, I would know how to build it as well. Classes that specifically helped me were my engineering classes, which helped me prepare for what an engineering course in college would look like.”
Ryan Gromer
Chaparral High School
I will attend Utah University
- Plans to study business management
- Daniels Fund Scholarship recipient
- 200+ community service hours
“Chaparral really brought me out of my shell, and with incredible staff and support it felt easy. My Chap family had my back every step of the way and I never felt alone. From in and out of the classroom I was learning.”
Lilyana Hutson
D.C. Oakes High School
I will attend Arapahoe Community College
- Plans to major in elementary education
- Member of the Oakes Peer Leadership team
- Backpacked through the White River National Forest on an outdoor education trip with classmates and teachers
“Oakes prepared me not only in the world of academics, but it prepared me for life. They did not only push for good grades, they pushed for us to be good human beings and to dedicate ourselves to something that truly matters. I believe Oakes prepared me to be able to take on the world and all its challenges with grace. It also taught me I will always have someone to look out for me even if I feel alone, and I feel that’s a lesson everyone must learn in order to succeed.”
Chloe Johnson
Douglas County High School
I will attend Colorado College
- Plans to study political science on a pre-law track
- Will compete in track and field in college
- One of 14 US Youth Ambassadors for Special Olympics North America
“I am so grateful for the people who invested in my education in DCHS. From the most caring teachers at Rock Ridge, to the community at Mesa who encouraged me to explore opportunities to be more inclusive, to the staff at DCHS who allowed me to be the best version of myself and held me accountable, I know I am lucky. Having the opportunity for all 3 of my DCHS schools to embrace the IB program truly encouraged my love of learning. The IB program has prepared me immensely for higher education, as I have become a more confident writer, a well rounded thinker with the ability to draw connections between disciplines, and overall I am a more open minded human being because of my IB education. I have learned how to multi-task and manage my time, while having supportive teachers who gave me the grace to pursue my passions with both running and advocating. They gave me the confidence to believe that there is not just one role or title that defines me and that I can truly pursue my passions and be dedicated to each one. They showed me that I can do hard things and I know that lesson will be invaluable to my future success.”
Grace Maher
Ponderosa High School
I will attend the University of Denver
- Served as District President for Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
- Competed twice at the state level and once at nationals once for the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
- Earned an academic letter each year she attended Ponderosa High
“My time involved in FBLA, NHS, and FCCLA provided not only exceptional leadership experiences for myself, but also gave me multiple mentors and role models to look up to! Mr. B, Mrs. Hildenbrand, Mrs. Baldwin, and Mr. Hughes all played such an important role in my high school career and will continue to be positive influences in my life moving forward!”
Vivian Mann
Castle View High School
I will attend the University of Kansas
- Varsity cross country all four years of high school
- National Honor Society and French Honor Society member
- High GPA
“I’ve learned a lot throughout my high school years and I think the hardships that I’ve had to push through have prepared me for what’s next.”
Siena Negron
SkyView Academy
I will attend Loyola University Chicago
- Plans to explore various studies including creative writing, social work, and women and gender studies
- Passed AP Physics
- Performed in “Clue” on the Thescon mainstage
“I was encouraged to pursue paths I wasn't previously passionate about, such as science fair or AP physics, and while it was a challenge, it taught me to find ways to connect it back to what I am passionate about and find success.”
Theodore Noble
Legend High School
I will join the Army Reserves as a 38B Civil Affairs Specialist
- Following basic training, will attend CU Boulder
- Plans to study International Affairs and Economics
- Founded the Legend Chess Club
“Legend has done a great job of preparing me for my future. I feel well prepared academically for what might happen and I feel Legend has boosted my social skills and confidence as well.”
Ismoil Nosirov
Chaparral High School
I will attend the University of Virginia
- Plans to study applied math
- National Merit Finalist and Valedictorian
- Serves as a writing tutor and Link Leader at his high school
“My education allowed me to develop a lot of great relationships and helped me become a better student and a better person along the way.”
Celie Page
Highlands Ranch High School
I will attend Adams State University
- Will play softball in college
- Two-time regional softball qualifier
- Received the African American Recognition Award from College Board
“My education prepared me to have more time management skills and to be ready for different opportunities I might have. In high school I played three sports, had a job, was a part of different clubs and had homework. This helped me with time management because it allowed me to make sure that I was prioritizing what needed to get done on any given night. Student Senate helped me with learning about the different opportunities I could have in this world and everyone around me. My advisor, Mr. Odice, gave me the confidence to know that no matter what I want to do to help out people in this world there are many different ways. Along with that he taught me how to stay organized in all the things that he knows I will accomplish over the years.”
Laura Pulido
Highlands Ranch High School
I will attend the University of Colorado Boulder
- Plans to study computer science
- Member of the Lone Tree Youth Commission and Teen Court
- Attended the MIT Mathroots Math Summer Camp
“At HRHS, taking classes like Cyber Security 1 and Introduction to Engineering provided me with the ability to explore. High school is unique because it is the best time to explore anything and everything to find your passions. Because I had the chance to do this, I got involved in discovering what I could do with cyber security and computer science which was very valuable to developing my interests. In addition, the public speaking class I took gave me the skills and confidence to speak loudly to express myself clearly which served me well in all aspects of my life: interviews, panels, and debates!”
Alia Roberts
D.C. Oakes High School
I will attend the University of Northern Colorado
- Plans to study pre-health and biomedical sciences
- D.C. Oakes student council member
- Recipient of the Castle Rock Kiwanis Scholarship
“My education focused on the support I needed when I needed it. Oakes provided me with a space where I could learn not just school material, but about the world around me and my place in it.”
Mackenzie Romaniuk
Renaissance Secondary School
I will attend school in Vancouver, Canada
- Plans to study photography
- Scholarship recipient
- Accepted into numerous high school clubs and societies
“It prepared me for what the real world will look like and how to do the basics like presenting to people and being able to perfect my work.”
Grace Rossner
Rock Canyon High School
I will attend Princeton University
- Plans to study neuroscience
- Will compete in soccer in college
- Member of the high school varsity soccer team that made it to the state championship twice
“The education I received in Douglas County schools was exceptional in its rigor and proved instrumental in my preparedness for college.”
Harley Roundtree
Highlands Ranch High School
I will attend the University of Colorado Boulder
- Plans to study business
- First-place winner at the DECA state competition
- Accepted into the CU Excel Scholars Program
“My education prepared me for my future because it not only helped me gain knowledge and develop skills, but allowed me to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes to understand what I need to do to be successful in my future.”
Reece Rubino
Castle View High School
I will attend Arapahoe Community College
- Plans to study finance
- Involved in many sports, including leading the football team out of the tunnel for the DC/CV showdown game
- Colorado Music Educator Association choir competition participant
“The most important thing I learned is that it is ok to fail. It taught me you can learn from your mistakes and that no one is perfect.”
Skylar Stader
ThunderRidge High School
I will attend Colorado State University
- Recipient of the Monfort Scholarship
- Established “Grizzly Connect,” a large and inclusive club that helps transfer or struggling students adjust to ThunderRidge High and connect with others
- Successfully completed the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program
“As a third culture kid, I was exposed to many different educational styles, and each helped me learn to love the many different ways skills and topics can be taught. Furthermore, it showed me that any subject can be interesting with the right people and right activities. Part of the reason I am interested in becoming a teacher myself is because I love working with others, and I understand how valuable education is in establishing a love for learning, and teaching skills that can be used in and out of the classroom.”
Payton TerEick
Highlands Ranch High School
I will attend the University of Florida
- Plans to study biomedical engineering on a pre-med track
- Founder and leader of the HRHS Philanthropy Club, which raised thousands of dollars in donations and toys for Children's Hospital
- Varsity team captain of the HRHS boys basketball team
“All of my education from elementary to high school has helped me build mental resiliency, organizational skills, and a strong work ethic, ultimately preparing me to face the challenges of the real world.”
Tara Van Heusen
ThunderRidge High School
I will attend McGill University in Montréal, Canada
- Boettcher Scholarship finalist and alternate
- Multiple leadership positions including president of the Douglas County Youth Commission, president of the TRHS book club and French National Honors Society officer
- Achieved 350+ community service hours
“My education has greatly prepared me for my future! The IB diploma program has taught me so many valuable skills, especially in time management and discipline. At the beginning of high school, I only relied on motivation to help me with assignments. Through time and IB, I realized that discipline - meaning forcing yourself to do schoolwork, setting up to-do lists, and scheduling - is extremely important. Motivation is often hard to come by as one progresses through their senior year. I find that consistency in studying is more important than short bursts of energy. I know for a fact that I will use this lesson for university.”
Nandhana Vivek
Legend High School
I will attend CU Boulder
- Plans to study Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience
- Presented her independent research project on breast cancer at a national conference during her junior year
- Holds the school record for triple jump in track and field
“My education has been about more than just subjects. I carefully planned my high school courses to build a comprehensive foundation of real-life skills such as taking personal finance and health classes. I tried to learn from teachers and industry experts about making the right choices, avoiding mistakes, and planning and executing effectively. My peers were another valuable source of learning, teaching me what to do and what to avoid, helping me identify my priorities, and showing me how to contribute meaningfully. This holistic learning experience is what I value most, even beyond individual subjects.”
Andreana Zaphiris
Douglas County High School
I will attend California State University Channel Islands
- Plans to study Biology
- National Honors Society member
- First place winner in district art show
“For future freshmen, time goes faster than you'd imagine. Classes will be easier if you build relationships with the adults and teachers around you. There is always more time to talk and mess around, and know when to focus. Most importantly find something you're interested in, take new classes and branch out!”