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Special Education Records


Current Students - REQUEST PROCESS:

Transcripts / Records Request - Currently Enrolled Students. All Records requests for a student currently enrolled in a Douglas County School need to be requested from the school where the student is currently attending. Request to Inspect and Review a Student Education Record - Release to Inspect & Review

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."Douglas County School District follows all aspects of the FERPA Law. Annual notification on our records security procedures are addresed each year as a part of the Online Check-in process. Board Policy JRA/JRC - Student Education Records is included in the Douglas County School District Student Rights & Responsibilities manual for all parents and students. Please contact the Special Education Department at 303-387-0076 for any questions you may have about record security procedure. 

Former Student / Alumni - REQUEST PROCESS:

In an effort to provide better and more secure service to our alumni and former students, all transcripts requests, records requests, background verification's, corporate verification's, corporate information requests and government agencies (this does not include Subpoenas), must be made online using our automated student record / information request system.  Please use "9999" for Driver License and Social Security information.  Please use "other" for delivery address drop down. 

Fax, phone calls and mail requests cannot be accepted.

  • To request student records click on the Scrib Order icon
    Scrib Order
Still have Questions? 

Email or Call 303-387-0076