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Help Begins at Your School

Help Begins at Your School

Preschool & Child Find
The preschool program provides an innovative and effective learning environment that is designed to positively impact long-term academic achievement and social-emotional development.  Visit the ECE website for more information. For more information regarding registration contact our preschool information line at 720-433-0025.

Child Find is a part of the district's special education program, and serves as a resource for families who are residents of Douglas County.  Our Child Find teams offer developmental assessments at no charge to families for children from birth to age five.  Vist the ECE Child Find website for more information.  If you have any questions contact the Child Find office at 720-433-0020.  If you have any questions about hearing test for your child contact the Audiology Department at 720-433-0022.

School Age
If you have concerns about your child's development or progress talk to your student's teacher or counselor. The teacher may refer your child to the school’s Response to Intervention (RTI) team so interventions can be provided as needed. The RTI team will evaluate the students progress with interventions in place, and determine if a referral needs to be made for special education. Parents are always part of the referral team.

Questions and Concerns
Schools and special education staff are committed to meeting the needs of students and families.  In most cases the process should begin at the school level.  We encourage parents to first contact their school and then elevate their concerns to the next level only if needed.  Please see the Special Education Flow of Communication document for guidance.