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2023-2024 School Year

September 20, 2023 Welcome to the 23-24 School Year  

October 25, 2023  The Arc Arapahoe, Douglas & Elbert Counties

November 28, 2023   Leman Academy of Excellence Programming *UPDATE* DCSD and Leman Academy are excited to announce that a Significant Support Needs (SSN) classroom will be opening in the new Bayou Gulch facility in the Fall of 2024, in conjunction with the opening of the entire school. If you have questions or have a student who may be eligible for the program, please contact Jessica Coote, Special Education Coordinator

January 24, 2024   LEVEL CHANGES, PreK -> Elementary School • Elementary School -> Middle School  Middle School -> High School

February 21, 2024  Coffee Talk with Special Education Directors

March 27, 2024  District Special Education Updates

May 8, 2024 Project Education - IEP Software Introduction