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Risk Management

a man walking a tightrope

Katie Van Horn 
Risk Director
(303) 387-0030 - direct
(720) 660-7926 - cell phone
(303 )387-0117 - fax

JoAnn Byrne
Administrative Assistant - Risk Management
(303) 387-0036 - direct


The mission of Douglas County School District’s Risk Management Division is the preservation of the District’s human capital, physical resources, and financial assets. The Risk Management Division will manage a comprehensive program that contributes to the overall health, safety, and protection of employees, students, and visitors.


Risk Management is the process of minimizing the adverse effects of accidental losses. This process is accomplished through risk management programs that transfer, reduce, mitigate or allow acceptable levels of risk to the District. These programs are implemented through collaborative efforts with all departments and school sites. To achieve effective implementation, all employees of the District have a responsibility to actively support risk management initiatives, programs, policies, and procedures.