Capital Projects and List of Qualified Firms
Capital Projects
Facility capital needs are identified based on a District-wide internal audit. These audits are ongoing and are used to identify, prioritize, and estimate costs for facility capital needs. The audits focus on factors including life safety and health, code compliance, system and component life expectancy, educational suitability, sustainability, and District growth. The audits are used to maintain the Capital Improvement Plan, which is the basis for the Master Capital Plan.
Consultant and Contractor Information
Douglas County School District qualifies architects, consultants and contractors for most projects. The District's Construction Department does not maintain a bid list. Request for qualifications, listing all required documentation and mandatory meetings, is published on BidNet prior to each project's bid date. Actual Request for Qualifications (RFQ) may change; please refer to advertisements on BidNet for project information.
Qualified Lists
Below are the Architects, Contractors and Consultants qualified in August 2022 and May 2024 for potential DCSD Capital Improvement Projects.
Asphalt Contractor
Civil Engineer
Concrete Contractor
Construction Manager/General Contractor
General Contractor
Electrical Engineer
Electrical Contractor
Landscape Contractor
Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical Contractor
Plumbing Contractor
Roofing Consultant
Roofing Contractor
Structural Engineer
Survey Consultant
Traffic Engineer