Facility Rental Fee Schedule
- Elementary School Facility Hourly Rental Rates
- Middle and High School Facility Hourly Rental Rates
- Echo Park Stadium Hourly Rental Rates
- Douglas County Stadium Hourly Rental Rates
- Required Services Rates
- Equipment Fees
Elementary School Facility Hourly Rental Rates
Middle and High School Facility Hourly Rental Rates
Echo Park Stadium Hourly Rental Rates
Douglas County Stadium Hourly Rental Rates
Required Services Rates
Equipment Fees
Rates Eligibility
- Non Profit Douglas County Youth: Organizations holding legal non-profit tax status, serving DCSD youth 18 years and younger
- Non Profit Community: Organizations holding legal non-profit tax status, serving the community members 18 years+
- Commercial/Independent: Any organization not holding a non-profit tax status
Revised 8/2023