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Stock Epinephrine for Severe Allergic Reactions

Parents are responsible for informing the school of any known life-threatening allergies their child may have, providing orders from their child’s health care provider, and supplying the school with emergency medication.

Each location that has stock epinephrine will identify a minimum of two designated personnel that will receive a more comprehensive training using a CDE approved curriculum on identifying symptoms of anaphylaxis and administration of the stock epinephrine.

After responding to an anaphylactic reaction where the stock epinephrine is administered, 911 will be called and school personnel will attempt to notify the student’s parent or legal guardian regarding the emergency as promptly as possible under the circumstances.

Any use of stock epinephrine will be documented on the State Epinephrine/Anaphylaxis Report form. The form shall be submitted to the Colorado Department of Education Office of Health and Wellness within 7 days of the incident.

The district shall have on file a standing order and protocol from a provider who has prescriptive authority. The standing order and protocol must be signed annually and/or with any change in provider. The standing order and protocol should contain the dosage of epinephrine to be administered, and the indication for use.

All emergency medications, including epinephrine auto-injectors must be stored in a secure location, easily accessible by school staff, and in a location where the medication is not exposed to extreme cold or heat.

Resources and References

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools and Early Care and Education Centers
  2. National School Boards Association Safe at School and Ready to Learn: A comprehensive Policy Guide for Protecting Students with Life Threatening Food Allergies
  3. National Association of School Nurses Saving Lives at School: Anaphylaxis and Epinephrine
  4. St. Louis Children’s Hospital Food Allergy Management & Education Electronic Resources
  5. Food Allergy Tools for Schools
  6. FARE: Food Allergy Research and Education
  7. Get Schooled in Anaphylaxis
  8. State Approved Medication Administration Training in Colorado