Nursing Services
Contact Us
Mary Evensen, BSN, MS, RN, NCSN, Nursing Services Coordinator | 303-387-0266
Jennifer Talley, Health, Wellness and Prevention Administrative Assistant | 303-387-0260
Nursing Services provides for the needs of students, with emphasis on those with health challenges, so that all students have an equal opportunity to learn.
Douglas County School District serves 64,000 students. More than half of our students claim at least one health condition on their student record.
Health Conditions
- AEDs (Automated External Defibrillator) in schools
- Child Care Weather Watch
- Pharmaceutical Drop Off Locations
- Staying Home When You are Sick
Health Tidbit: Did you know there is a difference between cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing? Cleaning removes germs, dirt and impurities from surfaces and objects. Disinfecting kills the germs and sanitizing lowers the number of germs on those surfaces to a safe level.