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Mentor Teachers

Roles & Responsibilities

The mentor’s overall role is to encourage the development and growth of the student teacher. The mentor role is critical in guiding new teachers to further develop their planning, instruction, and content knowledge. Mentors help orient student teachers to their school community and to teaching in general.


  • Minimum of 3 years teaching experience in the subject area in which your student teacher is earning their certification
  • Overall Rating of a 3 or 4 on CITE
  • Mentor application process is through Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Department.
  • Current principal's recommendation
  • Signed Mentor Agreement upon receipt of Student Teacher match

Stipend and Referral Bonus Payout
Mentors will participate in required training/coaching, in order to receive the DCSD stipend. 

Mentor Teacher Information

Mentor Teacher Training

Initial Mentor Training - Dates of this training will be sent to mentor teachers via email prior to the start of the semester. 
Maximizing Your Role as Mentor - Dates of this training will be sent to mentor teachers via email prior to the start of the semester. 

Mentor Teacher Application