Novel & Textbook Adoption
Novel and Textbook Adoption Policy and Process
Below you will find information on the policy and how to proceed with Novel and Textbook Adoption at DCSD
DCSD Board Policy
- IJ: Textbook and Instructional Materials Selection and Adoption 05.23.2023
- All other related board policies for instruction can be found here Under Section "I"
“Textbooks” shall mean the major information resource(s) both digital and bound materials provided in multiple copies for use by a total class or a major portion of such class.
“Required curriculum materials” shall include print and non-print resources such as software, Web-based products, assigned titles of literature or kits that are integral to a course or curriculum content area and required for whole class student use.
*“Supplementary materials” shall mean any instructional materials other than textbooks and required curriculum materials including, but not limited to, books (literary and nonfiction), periodicals, newspapers, slides and transparencies, models, pictures, diagrams, maps, charts, slides, electronic recordings, and computer applications which relate to the curriculum and are available for teacher use and/or student selection. Supplementary materials are used to provide extension, enrichment and support to the curriculum (usually by individuals or small groups).
Other Applicable DCSD Board Policies
Start The Process Below
Novel and Textbook Adoption Proposal - Initial Request Form - Click Here to Get Started
Novel/book adoption forms are presented to the Board of Education in November and April. Materials must be submitted to the Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Director no later than:
- October 14th - presentation to the Board of Education in November
- March 17th - presentation to the Board of Education in April
Next Steps
Once you have submitted the form, you will receive an email with a link to the proposal document for the novel/textbook you are requesting as well as next steps to create your review team
Approved Novels and Textbooks
In Process
As part of the approval process, we would like to offer an opportunity for the community to review the material and provide feedback. For further information or to make arrangements for review, please contact Susan Snider at 303-387-0152 or
The following textbooks are slated to go through the process:
- Coming Soon (spring requests are now open)
The following novels are slated to go through the process:
- Coming Soon (spring requests are now open)
Elem = Requested for Elementary School
MS = Requested for Middle School
HS = Requested for High School
Questions on the novel adoption process? Please contact Tracie King at
Questions on the textbook adoption process? Please contact Ryan Gudmundson at