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Alternative Licensure Program

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Not licensed but want to teach?

What is an alternative teaching license?

An alternative teaching license lets you teach while you complete your teacher preparation program. You’ll earn a salary, take classes outside of school hours and put your new skills into practice as you go.

Alternative licensure could be a great option if you:

  • Recently completed an undergraduate degree but have not completed a teacher preparation program.
  • Are mid-career but are interested in making a difference.
  • Are a community member with a college degree and life experiences you could apply to the classroom.
  • Are a school staff member who wants to get your teaching license faster.

How to Enroll

Apply for the DCSD Alternative Licensure Program

Apply for the DCSD SPED Alternative Licensure Program

Questions? Contact Us!

Kristie Krier, General Education Alt Licensure


Amy Allen, Special Education Alt Licensure
