Frequently Asked Questions
Q:Will DCSD be changing its curriculum as a result of the Educational Equity policy? If so, how?
A: All instruction in the DCSD is aligned and will remain aligned with Colorado Academic Standards. Our educators are committed to supporting all students in meeting or exceeding the rigorous expectations outlined in these standards. The Educational Equity policy is meant to guide DCSD staff when drafting policies, procedures and making decisions related to educational materials, school district facilities, staffing, curriculum and regulations affecting students and staff.
Q: Who serves on the DCSD Equity Advisory Committee and how were they selected?
A: EAC Membership selection processes align with the EAC Bylaws. Membership positions are intended to represent multiple stakeholders and stakeholder groups. 22 members were selected in the inaugural year, and major stakeholder groups represented within the DCSD are invited to participate by sending 1-2 representatives to attend each meeting. This has included parents, staff members, community members and representatives of DCSD committees such as the Douglas County Special Education Advisory Committee, Conexìon, District Accountability Committee, Douglas County Gifted Education Advisory Committee, Employee Council, and many others.
Q: How did the DCSD Equity Advisory Council begin?
A: The Equity Advisory Council was formed as a collaborative effort across DCSD stakeholder groups.
As aligned with policy, the Equity Advisory Council will provide insights, advice, and feedback for equity-focused work occurring across the DCSD.
Q: Does the DCSD Equity Advisory Council have the authority to set school district policy?
A: The DCSD Equity Advisory Council does not set school district policy. They worked together to provide recommendations and input around a new Educational Equity Policy. That policy was reviewed and edited by the DCSD Board of Education prior to being approved.
Q. As part of DCSD’s novel and textbook approval process, a parent is required to review and approve the book. How are parents selected as the reviewers?
A: Schools have the flexibility to select a parent for the textbook review process. This parent may be a member of existing committees or groups such as School Accountability Committees and PTO. Board File: IJ TEXTBOOK AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS SELECTION AND ADOPTION
Q. If a novel or textbook is approved at one school, are all other schools able to utilize it as well?
A: Yes, textbooks that are proposed to and approved by the BOE are available to schools in DCSD in alignment with the specific content, grade level(s) and course(s) identified in the textbook adoption proposal. DCSD charter schools review and approve their own curriculum resources.
Q: What is the “targeted system” that will identify inequities?
A: Education regarding inequities is a primary priority in order to build and sustain a common language and common expectation across the district. The “targeted system” will align with DCSD’s formal grievance policy, and educational opportunities and restorative practices will be leveraged to repair harm when allowable under law and DCSD policy.
The Board shall NOT condone, by its staff, students, leadership, or any other community member representing School District interests: A) Biased, inequitable, racist, or exclusive practices B) Bullying or harassment C) Deficit-focused instructional or operational implementation frameworks D) Discriminatory behaviors that disproportionately impact any particular group or groups of individuals based on aspect of their collective identity E) Lowering standards and expectations for any students, including those in state and federal identified subgroups F) Perpetuation of racism or discrimination G) Policies and resolutions that support exclusion or intolerance H) Practices that promote inequality or inequity I) Promotion of specific aspects of identity as superior or inferior to other aspects of identity.
The District will create and implement a targeted system to identify any of the above practices, frameworks, systems, behaviors, and/or policies. The District will also develop, in conjunction with school and District leaders, a restorative process to address the identified concern, repair harm to the community, and to eradicate any future inequities.