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English Language Development Programming

Multilingual Learners (MLs) are served through a variety of programming options based on their individual needs using the Multitierred System of Supports (MTSS) framework to guide decisions. Practices include collaboration, coaching, co-teaching, targeted small groups, and intensive supports through direct English language and content instruction. Intensity of services is determined using the collaborative problem-solving approach embedded in the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS).

Tier I Universal Classroom Instruction - Classroom teachers, content area specialists, and ELD Teachers collaborate using a variety of instructional strategies to support language development and content growth throughout the school day.

Tier II Targeted Instruction - ELD Teachers or other support staff work with students in a small group setting to target the specific language development needs of the group. At the secondary level, this may be facilitated through a specific course.

Tier III Intensive instruction - ELD Teachers work individually with students, such as newcomers, who require intensive support.

ELD Teachers and content teachers make instructional decisions to ensure English language development and content learning occurs throughout the school day. All MLs have an English Language Learner Plan addressing individual student’s specific linguistic needs.

The district’s curriculum and Colorado Academic Standards are integrated with the Colorado English Language Proficiency (CELP) standards and facilitated through differentiated instructional practices. The goal is grade level performance and proficiency in English through additive services and instruction. Instructional decisions are not time-bound or based on time in the ELD program; rather on performance in both English language proficiency and academics.
