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Dispute Resolution

Organizations will have miscommunications and other conflicts from time to time. When this happens, listening to employees and engaging in restorative practices is important to sustaining a positive work environment. We believe in using our internal problem-solving practices first before involving outside resournces. Employees can have an advocate to support them in HR related matters. HR can be an advocate, a neutral and objective 3rd party, and facilitate resolutions based on mutual interests in most cases. Employees can also have a colleague from their school or department be their advocate.


Dispute Resolution Process
DCSD is committed to our core value of trust and promoting a workplace where employees can express their concerns in an open forum. The Dispute Resolution Process is designed to provide employees with an impartial procedure in an attempt to resolve work-related conflicts in a timely manner regarding an employee’s job, management, policies or in some cases about other employees, with the assurance that no reprisals will result from doing so. To see all information regarding our dispute resolution process or for employees who wish to use the dispute resolution process, see the Employee Guide.

Reporting Harassment
Employees can report discrimination, harassment, workplace bullying or other workplace concerns to one of the following persons: your immediate supervisor, next level supervisor or a Human Resources Director. DCSD expects employees to make a timely complaint to enable DCSD to promptly investigate and correct any behavior that may be in violation of our policies. DCSD prohibits retaliation against any employee for filing a complaint or for assisting in a complaint investigation. DCSD will respond to every complaint of discrimination or harassment reported. To read our Equal Opportunity, Unlawful Harassment, and Anti-bullying policy, see Superintendent Policy - GBA.

Legal Services
DCSD will defend an employee if sued while acting in the course of one's duties with DCSD. Not only will DCSD provide employees with a legal defense, it will pay damages or settlement that may be due as a result.