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Nondiscrimination (Section 504)

What is Section 504?

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a civil rights law prohibiting discrimination based on disability in public and private programs receiving federal financial assistance. As a public school district that receives federal funds, Section 504 applies within Douglas County School District (DCSD). It ensures that all students are afforded the same opportunities to access both academic and non-academic components of the school environment regardless of their disability. In other words Section 504 is meant to ensure that all students, regardless of disability, have equitable access to the life of the school

Child Find Notice

It is the responsibility of DCSD to identify any child who is a resident of DCSD who may have a disability, regardless of the severity of the disability. Children eligible under Section 504 include those children who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity and/or major bodily function.


When does a student qualify as having a disability under Section 504?

This legislation defines a person with a disability as anyone who: 

  • Has a physical or mental impairment;

  • which substantially limits one or more major life activities or major bodily functions.

    • Major life activities include, but are not limited to: bending, breathing, caring for one’s self, communicating, eating, executive functions, hearing, learning, concentrating, reading, performing manual tasks, speaking, sleeping, seeing, standing, thinking, walking, and working.

    • Major bodily functions include but not limited to: functions of the immune system, normal cell growth, digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, and reproductive functions, performing manual tasks, speaking, sleeping, seeing, standing, thinking, walking, and working.

Signs that may show a need for an evaluation might include:

  • Chronic absenteeism

  • Several or increasing disciplinary referrals

  • Poor or declining grades in classes and assessments

  • Showing signs of depression, organizational issues, withdrawal, worrying, inattention, difficulty with emotional regulation

  • Frequent or increasing behavioral difficulties

  • Diagnosis of dyslexia/dysgraphia or other learning disability from an outside provider

  • Displaying characteristics of dyslexia or other learning disability according to a body of evidence/RtI process

  • Chronic illnesses (e.g. cancer and long term effects of treatment, diabetes, life threatening allergies, arthritis, Crohn’s, etc.) 

  • Students transitioning out of special education programs

What is a Section 504 Plan?

  • A written description of the specific adjustments, accommodations, modifications*, related aids, and related services** to be provided in the general education environment for a Section 504 protected student. 

*Modification here means modifications to the school’s policies, practices, or procedures. Modification of curriculum and what the child needs to learn falls under a special education plan which includes specialized instruction (IEP).

**Related services here may mean support from general education staff (e.g. school counselor, teacher, school nurse consultant, transportation, or other staff) in learning and assessing skills or other resources to support needs related to the disability.  

Related services may include:

  • School health room support

  • School counseling support

  • Transportation

  • Audiological support

  • Speech-language support

  • Physical and occupational therapy supports

  • Psychological/behavioral supports

  • Assistive technology device and/or services

  • Adaptive PE supports

  • Orientation and mobility supports

  • Special dietary supports


When does a student qualify for a Section 504 Plan?

  • This is a 504 Team decision based on information gathered by the team about the student. 

  • If the student with a disability requires adjustments, accommodations, modifications or other related aids and services in order to benefit from and/or access any aspect of the school’s educational environment, then program a student is eligible for a 504 Plan.

If the student does not require adjustments, accommodations, modifications, or related aids and services, they are considered “technically eligible” and a 504 Plan is not needed at this time. However, periodic review of needs should occur and the student and family are protected by procedural safeguards.

Additional information can be obtained from:
The U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Region VIII, Federal Building, Suite 310
1244 Speer Blvd.
Denver, CO 80204-3582
(303) 844-5695


Have questions? Need Help? Contact us!

Jenn Gherardini, Ed.S. | District 504 Coordinator
(o) 303-387-0058
(c) 720-762-0951

List of School 504 Coordinators by School



Frequently Asked Questions