Learning Styles
Research has identified three major learning styles: Kinesthetic, Visual and Auditory. Understanding learning styles can help to identify how best your student learns.
What learning style is my student?
Take the Learning Style Questionnaire
Below are suggestions for which programs may benefit different types of learners--but these are only suggestions. A kinesthetic learner may learn well in a program for visual learners.
REMEMBER: You know your child best.
What are the characteristics of a kinesthetic (experiential) learner?
Kinesthetic learners are students who learn best by physically experiencing what they are learning about. Sometimes kinesthetic learners need to use all five senses to explore the world. An example of kinesthetic learning is using blocks or beads to learn a math problem.
Kinesthetic programs tend to place an emphasis on projects and experiencing what is being learned. Some kinesthetic programs place an emphasis on students working together on projects.
School programs that focus on kinesthetic learners:
Outdoors / Expeditionary
Student-centered / Student-directed
Project-based learning
What are the characteristics of a visual learner?
Visual learners are students who learn best by using their eyes to absorb information. An example of visual learning is watching a demonstration or reading a book.
Visual programs tend to place an emphasis on learning through reading.
School programs that focus on visual learners:
Online (using a computer)
International Baccalaureate
College prep
Liberal arts
What are the characteristics of an auditory learner?
Auditory learners are students who learn best by hearing and absorbing information through sound. An example of auditory learning is listening to a teacher lecture.
Auditory programs tend to place an emphasis on teacher-led instruction or discussion.
School programs that focus on auditory learners:
Core Knowledge
College prep
Liberal arts
Source: SchoolChoiceforKids.org