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Charter School Application Processes (not for student enrollment)

Douglas County School District New Charter Application Procedures

The Board of Education shall support efforts by parents, teachers or other persons or organizations interested in establishing charter schools within the district. In accordance with state law, charter schools are intended to:

  1. Expand learning opportunities for all students
  2. Encourage diverse approaches to learning using different, proven or innovative teaching methods
  3. Provide parents and students with expanded choices in the type of educational opportunities that are available within the public school system
  4. Encourage parental and community involvement with public schools.

Ref: Senate Bill 12-061
Ref: District policy LBD; LBD-R-1 Charter School Procedure Manual

All charter school applications must be submitted through , (This is for New Charter School Applications - not for student enrollment) an online platform used by DCSD for receiving and reviewing charter school applications. Applicants must access the website, create an account, and may begin working on their application up until the due date when it must be submitted. 


Important Dates for a New Application

Jan. 15

Intent to Submit due by 4 p.m.

Between Feb. 1 and April 1

Application due in Anvilar by 4 p.m. on April 1

April 15

DAC, FOC, LRPC meet to create questions for the DCSD Board

April 22

Public hearing #1 at the DCSD Board of Education meeting

April 22 

Full CARTeam conducts Capacity Interviews for all applicants.

CARTeam process ends, staff recommendation phase begins.

April 30

DCSD Staff meets to create recommendation to DCSD Cabinet

May 27

Public Hearing #2

May 27

DCSD Board of Education approves or denies application.


Applications Received in 2024

  • None Submitted

Charter School Renewal Process

The charter contract renewal process examines several factors revealing the health of the charter school. This process is most transparent when it is characterized by the following criteria: 

  1. Putting the interests of children first;
  2. Identifying performance indicators that have been in place for the duration of the contract;
  3. Gathering accurate performance, financial and governance data;
  4. Undertaking annual performance evaluations;
  5. Adopting reasonable academic performance expectations;
  6. Considering multiple measures, including comparable school performance, across three or more years;
  7. Weighing the evidence based on importance, rather than relying on numeric cut scores;
  8. Listening to the points of view of both the district staff and the charter school;
  9. Taking into account the number of years that the school has been operating.

Charter school contracts in DCSD will be reviewed for renewal in the year prior to the charter expiration year.  The charter school must submit a Charter School Intent to Renew Contract form on or before June 1 of the year prior to the year that the contract expires. See the renewal timeline on the next page for renewal deadlines.

Charter schools are evaluated for renewal based on their yearly Accreditation, financial health, and governance and operations. The charter school Accreditation procedure answers the following key questions that are essential for renewal status:

  • Is the educational program a success?
  • Are school operations effective and efficient?
  • Is the school meeting its legal and other obligations?
  • Does the school have excellent governance and leadership?

DCSD Renewal Timeline

Date Task
Between March 1 and May 15 of the year prior to the charter’s expiration

The parties meet so that the district can explain the renewal process, application format and timeline, and address any questions regarding the process.

June 1 of the year prior to expiration

The school formally submits the Intent to Renew letter, renewal narrative and additional data to the Office of Choice Programming.

Sept. 1 of the year prior to expiration

Choice programming coordinates site visit to be done by outside reviewers.

No later than Nov. 1 of the year prior to expiration 

The school submits the contract appendix documents to the Office of Choice Programming which includes:

  1. Board Conflict of Interest form.
  2. ESP Agreement, if applicable.
  3. Request for Automatic Waivers of State Laws.
  4. Request for Additional Waivers of State Laws (if any).
  5. Request for additional Waivers of District Policy (if any).
  6. Preferences, Methods, Timelines and Procedures for Enrollment.

Nov. 15 of the year prior to expiration

District staff submits to the superintendent’s cabinet a renewal review and supporting data.

Prior to December district board meeting

District staff reviews the renewal recommendation and adds additional information as needed.

District board of education meeting:

  1. Board asks questions and requests clarifications as needed.
  2. Charter school responds to the staff report and recommendation.
  3. Charter parents and other interested persons may address the board.
Prior to January district board meeting District staff sends any additional written information and clarifications to the board of education.

No later than Feb. 1

District board of education acts by resolution to approve or deny the request to renew the charter.
No more than 30 days after the district board decision

A notice of appeal may be filed with the State Board of Education.

No more than 60 days after the notice of appeal has been filed The State Board of Education holds a hearing and makes a decision to uphold the district’s decision or remand the decision back to the district for reconsideration.


2024 Schools in Renewal

  • Global Village Academy
  • Platte River Academy
  • DC Montessori
  • World Compass Academy