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Inclement Weather Policies

Snow Flake


B.A.S.E. Weather Related Closure & Delayed Start Information

DCSD Delay and Closure Policy
It is the policy of the Douglas County School District (DCSD) to take a proactive approach to events which may affect the safety of students or staff and the proper functioning of schools (File ADD and ADE). The safety of students and staff will be the guiding principle in decisions regarding school closures and delays.

DCSD Delay and Closure Procedures
For the most accurate and up-to-date school closure or delayed start schedule information, please call the Douglas County School District's Weather Hotline- 303-387-SNOW (7669) - or check the district's school closure information.

District and/or School Closure
If the Douglas County School District is closed, all schools and programs (including B.A.S.E. Child Care) in the District are closed.

Delayed Schedule
On a delayed schedule, our school starts 90 minutes later than the normal start time. Our B.A.S.E. programs, including Before School and the morning Kindergarten Enrichment programs, are also on a 90 minute delayed schedule in order to ensure that staff members arrive safely, children are adequately supervised, and grounds personnel are able to clear parking lots and walkways in a timely manner. Please check with Transportation regarding status of scheduled field trips.

Early Dismissal
When District (or feeder area for your school) is on an early dismissal schedule, our B.A.S.E. Programs that are in operation (ex: afternoon Kindergarten Enrichment) are on the same early dismissal schedule, and parents shall pick up children accordingly. After School programs are cancelled when the District or feeder area for your school is on an early dismissal schedule.

Cancellation of After School Activities
When weather forecast indicates a blizzard warning later in the day or evening hours, the District may recommend cancellation of after school activities. This does not impact B.A.S.E. programs as the intent is to limit bus travel for late day and evening activities (ex: sports events). Our After School B.A.S.E. programs continue to operate on a normal schedule when after school activities are cancelled.

Rapidly Changing Conditions During the School Day
In the event weather conditions deteriorate rapidly and unexpectedly during morning transit hours or during school hours, B.A.S.E. After School programs may be cancelled, and this may include afternoon Kindergarten Enrichment. Parents may be notified to pick up children early during the school day, and bus routes for afternoon may be canceled. Children will be sheltered-in-place at school until they can be taken home by parents or by school bus. Field trips will be cancelled and/or recalled.

District Emergency Operations Committee (EOC) will manage the District response and will advise the Chief Operating Officer and the Superintendent on policy matters related to the District’s response to a winter weather emergency. Individual school responses will be directed by the District EOC. The Superintendent will be the school closure authority, working closely with the BOE, EOC and state and local authorities.

For questions regarding B.A.S.E. Programs, please contact:

Alicia Elmore
Director B.A.S.E. Department