Policies and Resolutions
Below you will find the DCSD Board of Education policies and resolutions. You can also view these documents on the DCSD Board of Education Electronic School Board.
Policy Governance Book
Policy Governance Book
- A | Foundations and Basic Commitment
- B | Board Governance and Operations
- C | General School Administration
- D | Fiscal Management
- E | Support Services
- F | Facilities Development
- G | Personnel
- H | Negotiations
- I | Instruction
- J | Students
- K | School and Community Relations
- L | Education Agency Relations
A | Foundations and Basic Commitment
- AC: Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity 08.04.2020
- AC-E-1: Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity Report Form
- AC-E-2: Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity (Notice Form) 10.30.2023
- AC-R-1: Nondiscrimination-Equal Opportunity 06.27.2024
- AC-R-2: Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Process 10.30.2023
- ADB: Educational Equity 05.23.2023
- ADB-R: Educational Equity 06.16.2023
- ADC: Tobacco-Free Schools 09.03.19
- ADD: Safe Schools
- ADF: Student Wellness 08.22.2023
- ADF-R: Student Wellness 10.30.2023
- AE: District Advisory Committee
B | Board Governance and Operations
- BBBE: Unexpired Term Fulfillment/Vacancies 06.18.19
- BC: School Board Member Conduct 06.18.19
- BCA-E-1: Code of Ethics for School Board Members 08.20.19
- BCA-E-2: Operating Norms for School Board Members
- BCB: School Board Member Conflict of Interest 06.18.19
- BE: School Board Meetings 06.18.19
- BEAA: Electronic Participation in School Board Meetings 04.26.2022
- BEC: Executive Session 06.18.19
- BEDA: Notification of School Board Meetings 01.24.2023
- BEDD: Rules of Order 08.06.19
- BEDF: Voting Method 06.18.19
- BEDG: Minutes 06.18.19
- BEDH: Public Participation at School Board Meetings 08.22.2023
- BG: Policy Process 12.12.2023
- BG-E: Policy Process Delegation of District Policy 12.12.2023
C | General School Administration
D | Fiscal Management
- DB: Annual Budget 08.20.19
- DB-R: Annual Budget (SBB Model) Regulation
- DFA: Cash Management and Investment Policy 03.05.19
- DFA-R: Cash Management and Investment Regulation 08.08.24
- DFB: Reserving Policy for Douglas County School District Medical Fund
- DFB-R: Reserving Policy for Douglas County School District Medical Fund Regulation
- DFD: Debt Management Policy 11.14.2023
- DFE: Gate Receipts and Admissions (Royalties)
- DG: Banking Services, Deposit of Funds, Authorized Signatures and Check Writing
- DG-R: Banking Services and Deposit of Funds Regulation
- DH: Bonded Employees and Officers 08.28.24
- DID: Capital Asset Reporting and Inventories
- DIE: Annual Audit 08.20.19
- DJ: District Purchasing 01.24.2023
- DJ-R: Purchasing Procedures 01.23.06
- DJA: Purchasing Authority 09.04.19
- DJC: Petty Cash
- DJG/DJGA: Vendor Relations, Sales Calls and Demonstrations
- DK: Payment Procedures
- DKA: Payroll Procedures/Schedules
- DKC: Employee Expense Authorization
- DKC-R-1: Employee Expense Authorization/Reimbursement: Mileage, Tolls and Parking
- DKC-R-2: Employee Expense Authorization/Reimbursement: Travel Without Students
- DKC-R-3: Employee Expense Authorization/Reimbursement: Travel With Students
- DN: School Properties Disposal Procedure 09.03.19
- DN-R: Property Disposal Procedure Regulation 07.15.14
E | Support Services
- EBAB: Hazardous Materials
- EBAB-R: Hazardous Materials Regulation
- EBB-EBBB: Accident Prevention and Procedures/First Aid/Accident Reports
- EBBA: Prevention of Disease - Infection Transmission
- EBBA-R: Prevention of Disease-Infection Transmission Regulation
- EBCA: Disaster Plans
- EBCB: Fire Drills
- EBCB-R: Fire Drills Regulation
- EBCE: School Closings and Cancellations
- EBCE-R: School Closings and Cancellations Regulation
- ECA/ECAB: Security/Access to Buildings 08.20.19
- ECA-R: Video Surveillance Equipment Regulation 08.15.05
- ECAC: Vandalism
- ECD: Custodial Services
- ECE: Traffic and Parking Procedures
- ECF: Energy Policy
- EDB: Maintenance and Control of Materials and Equipment
- EDB-R: Maintenance and Control of Materials and Equipment Regulation
- EEAA: Transportation Eligible Students
- EEAC: School Bus/Scheduling and Routing
- EEAC-R: School Bus/Scheduling and Routing Regulation
- EEAE: School Bus Safety Program
- EEAEA: Bus Driver Requirements, Training, and Responsibilities
- EEAEAA: Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing
- EEAEAA-R: Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing Regulation
- EEAEAB: Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing for Employees Without Commercial Driver's License
- EEAF: Special Use of School Buses
- EEAFB: Use of School Buses by Community Groups
- EEAFB-R: Use of School Buses by Community Groups Regulation
- EEAG: Student Transportation in Private Vehicles
- EF: Nutrition Services and the National School Lunch/Breakfast Programs
- EFEA: Nutritious Food Choices 09.03.19
- EGAD: Copyright Compliance
- EGAD-R: Copyright Compliance Regulation
- EGAEA: Public Electronic Mail Records
- EGD: Use of Electronic Signatures
- EHC: Safeguarding Personal Identifying Information 08.20.19
- EI: Insurance Management
F | Facilities Development
- FAAA: Facilities Development Priority Objectives: Airports
- FAAA-E: Facilities Development Priority Objectives: Airports Exhibit
- FAAA-R: Facilities Development Priority Objectives: Airports Regulation
- FBC-R: School Capacity Standards
- FEG: Construction Contracts Bidding and Awards: General Contractors
- FEH: Supervision of Construction
- FEH-R-1: Building and Site Modifications
- FF: Naming New Facilities 08.20.19
- FF-R: Naming New Facilities and Areas of Facilities
- FFA: Memorials for Deceased Students and Staff
G | Personnel
- GBA: Open Hiring/Equal Employment Opportunity 11.12.19
- GBAA: Sexual Harassment 11.12.19
- GBAB: Workplace Health and Safety Protection 09.01.2020
- GBEA: Staff Conflicts of Interest 06.09.2020
- GBEA-R: Staff Conflicts of Interest and Ethics 10.24.05
- GBEB: Staff Conduct 06.09.2020
- GBEB-R: Professional Boundaries with Students
- GBEBA: Staff Dress Code 06.09.2020
- GBEC: Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace 06.09.2020
- GBEE: Employee Computer, Internet and Electronic Mail Use Rules
- GBEE-R: Employee Computer, Internet and Electronic Mail Use Rules Regulation
- GBEF: Staff Telecommuting and Remote Work
- GBEF-E: Temporary Telecommuting and Remote Work Agreement
- GBGA: Staff Health (and Medical Examination Requirements)
- GBGAB: First Aid Training
- GBGB: Staff Personal Security and Safety 06.09.2020
- GBGF: Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)
- GBGI: Military Leave
- GBGK: Staff Leave for Jury Service
- GBI: Electronic Mail
- GBJ: Personnel Records and Files
- GCE/GCF: Professional Staff Recruiting/Hiring 01.21.2020
- GCEA/GCFA: Professional Staff Background Checks
- GCKAA: Teacher Displacement 06.09.2020
- GCN-R-1: Evaluation Regulation Process 12.03.15
- GCO: Evaluation of Licensed Personnel 06.09.2020
- GCQA: Instructional Staff Reduction in Force
- GCQA-R: Instructional Staff Reduction in Force Regulation
- GCQF: Discipline, Suspension, Nonrenewal and Dismissal of Licensed Staff 06.09.2020
- GDA: Support Staff Positions
- GDBC: Support Staff Supplementary Pay Overtime
- GDE/GDF: Support Staff Recruiting/Hiring 01.21.2020
- GDEA: Support Staff Background Checks
- GDG: Part-Time and Substitute Support Staff Employment
- GDQB: Resignation of Support Staff
H | Negotiations
I | Instruction
- IC/ICA: School Year/School District Calendar/Instructional Time 08.18.2020
- IGA: Curriculum Development
- IGA-E: District Course Proposal Form
- IGA-E-1: District Concurrent Enrollment Program Proposal
- IGA-E-2: DCSD CTE Course or Pathway Proposal
- IGA-E-3: DCSD Advanced Placement (AP)/International Baccalaureate (IB)Course Proposal Form
- IGA-R: Curriculum Development 11.05.2024
- IHBA: Programs for Students with Disabilities
- IHBD: Compensatory Education (Title I)
- IJ: Textbook and Instructional Materials Selection and Adoption 05.23.2023
- IJ-E: Textbook and Instructional Materials Selection and Adoption Request Checklist
- IJ-R: Procedures for Reviewing and Recommending Textbooks and Instructional Materials
- IJA-E-3: Guest Speaker Permission Form
- IJA-R: Selection of Controversial Learning Resources Regulation
- IJB: Instructional Use of Media Resources
- IJB-R: Instructional Use of Media Resources Regulation
- IJC: Instructional Resources 05.23.2023
- IJE-E-1: Proposal to Adopt a Textbook
- IJE-E-2: Proposal to Adopt A Novel-Book-Length Work (Fiction, Non-Fiction, Drama)
- IJE-R: Textbook and Instructional Materials Selection and Adoption
- IJL: Library Materials Selection and Adoption
- IJOA: Field Trips and Excursions
- IK: State-Mandated Assessments
- IKA: District Assessment Policy
- IKAB: Student Progress Reports to Parents-Guardians and Students
- IKAB-R-1: Student Progress Reports to Parents-Guardians and Students Regulation
- IKE: Promotion and Retention of Students
- IKF: Graduation Requirements 11.19.2024
- IKF-R-1: Diploma and Graduation Requirements
- IKF-R-2: MS HS Credit Policy
- IKF-R-3: Graduation Competencies
- IKF-R-4: High School Grading and Transcripts
- IKFA: Early Graduation
- IKFB: Community Service
- IKFC: Physical Education Waiver
- IKFC-E: Physical Education Waiver Application Form
- IMB: Selection of Controversial Learning Resources 05.23.2023 (Previously IJA)
- IMBB: Exemptions from Required Instruction
- IMBB-R: Exemptions from Required Instruction Regulation
- IMBD: Flag Displays
J | Students
- JB: Equal Education Opportunities 11.12.19
- JBA: Nondiscrimination/Non-Harassment of Students 08.04.2020
- JBB: Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability 08.04.2020
- JBB-E-1: Section 504 ADA Form A
- JBB-E-2: Section 504 ADA Form B
- JBB-E-3: Section 504 ADA Form C
- JBB-R: Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability Definitions 10.15.02
- JBB-R-1: Section 504 Due Process Hearing Procedure 10.15.02
- JBB-R-2: Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability in Nonacademic or Extracurricular Programs or Activities (Procedures)
- JBC: Sexual Harassment Under Title IX and Other Prohibited Misconduct of a Sexual Nature 08.04.2020
- JC: School Attendance Areas
- JCA-JFB: Assignment of Students to Schools, School Choice and Open Enrollment
- JCA-JFB-R: Assignment of Students to Schools, School Choice and Open Enrollment Regulation
- JEB: Entrance Age
- JECBA: Admission of Foreign Exchange Students 12.03.19
- JF: Student Admissions and Denial of Admissions
- JF-R-1: Procedures for Denial of Admission
- JF-R-2: Procedures for Students in Out-of-Home Placements
- JFAB: Admission of Nonresident and Homeless Students
- JFAB-R: Student Residency
- JH: Student Attendance 09.15.2020
- JH-R: Student Count Documentation for Online Schools 09.19.14
- JHA: Student Withdrawal From School-Dropouts
- JHCE: Medical Emergencies
- JHCE-R: Responding to Receipt of a Do Not Resuscitate Order or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Directive
- JHD: Exemptions from School Attendance- School Release Permits
- JI/JIA: Student Rights and Responsibilities/Due Process Rights 09.15.2020
- JIC/JICDA: Student Conduct 09.15.2020
- JICA: Student Dress 09.15.2020
- JICC: Student Conduct on School Buses
- JICC-R-1: Student Conduct on School Buses Procedural Guidelines
- JICC-R-2: Student Conduct on School Buses 08.18.2020
- JICC-R-3: Student Conduct on School Buses - Bus Passes
- JICDE: Bullying Prevention and Education 05.23.2023 (Previously JICB)
- JICDE-R: Bullying Prevention and Education
- JICEA: Student Publications Code
- JICF: Gang-Related Behaviors and Dress
- JICG: Smoking and Other Uses of Tobacco by Students
- JICH: Student Involvement Regarding Drugs and Alcohol 02.05.19
- JICH-R: Student Involvement Regarding Drugs and Alcohol Regulation
- JICI: Weapons in School
- JICJ: Student Use of District Information Technology
- JICJ-R: Student Use of District Information Technology Regulation
- JIH: Searches
- JIHA: Student Possession and Use of Portable Electronic Devices (Incl Cell Phones)
- JJA: Student Organizations (Secondary Schools)
- JJF: Student Activities Funds Management
- JJI: Interscholastic Athletics 08.04.2020
- JK: Student Discipline
- JK-2: Procedural Requirements for Disciplinary Removals of Students with Disabilities 06.18.19
- JKA: Corporal Punishment-Use of Reasonable Restraint by Employees
- JKA-E: Student Restraint Incident Report Form
- JKA-R: Use of Physical Intervention and Restraint
- JKC: Discipline of Habitually Disruptive Students
- JKC-R: Discipline of Habitually Disruptive Students Regulation
- JKD/JKE: Suspension Expulsion of Students
- JKD/JKE-R: Suspension Expulsion of Students Hearing Procedures Regulation
- JLCC: Communicable Diseases and Long-Term Illnesses 09.15.2020
- JLCD: Administering Medicines to Students
- JLCD-E-1: Medication Release Form
- JLCD-E-2: School Medication Administration Log
- JLCD-E-3: Permission to Carry Medication
- JLCD-E-4: Contract to Carry Medication
- JLCDA: Students With Severe Allergies
- JLCDA-E: Colo. Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan and Medication Orders
- JLCDA-R: Stock Epinephrine for Severe Allergic Reactions
- JLCDB: Administering Medical Marijuana, Hemp Oils and-or Cannabinoid Products
- JLCDB-E-1: Hemp Administration Attestation
- JLCDB-E-2: Cannabis Administration Attestation
- JLCDC: Medically Necessary Treatment in School Setting 06.20.2023
- JLDA: Student Mental Health Wellness Services in the School Setting 05.23.2023
- JLDA-R: Student Mental Health Wellness Services in the School Setting 05.23.2023
- JLDA-R: Student Psychological Services
- JLDAC: Screening-Testing of Students
- JLF: Reporting Child Abuse
- JLF-R: Reporting Child Abuse Regulation
- JLFF: Sex Offender Information
- JQ: Student Fees
- JQ-E: Appendix A FY2024-2025 (Student Fees) 05.28.2024
- JQ-R: Student Fees Regulation
- JRA-JRC: Student Education Records
- JRA-JRC-E-1: Authorization to Release Student Records to Third Parties
- JRA-JRC-E-2: Request to Review and Inspect Student Records by Parent/Guardian
- JRA-JRC-E-3: Request to Release Student Records to Other Educational Agencies
- JRA-JRC-R: Student Education Records Regulation
- JRCB: Privacy and Protection of Confidential Student Information
- JRCB-R: Privacy and Protection of Confidential Student Information Regulation
- JRCB-R-1: Educational Research
K | School and Community Relations
- KB: Parent and Family Engagement Policy 06.20.2023
- KB-R: Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy 08.28.24
- KBB-R: Parent and Family Engagement
- KDB: Procedures for Disclosure of Public Records Pursuant to the CORA08.08.24
- KDBA: Parent Notification of Employee Criminal Charges 01.08.19
- KDE: Crisis Management
- KE: Concerns and Complaints 08.22.2023
- KEC: Complaints About Learning Resources
- KEC-E: Citizen's Request for Reconsideration of Learning Resources
- KEC-R: Public Complaints About Learning Resources Regulation
- KEE: Nondiscrimination of the Public on the Basis of Disability
- KEE-E-1: Section 504/ADA Form A
- KEE-E-2: Section 504/ADA Form B
- KEE-E-3: Section 504/ADA Form C
- KEE-R: Nondiscrimination of the Public on the Basis of Disability Regulation
- KF: Community Use of School Facilities
- KF-R-1: Community Use of School/District Facilities
- KFA: Use of School Facilities for Telecommunications Equipment
- KFAA: Public Conduct On School Property
- KFAB: Unmanned Aircraft System ("UAS" or Drone) Use on School Property
- KFAB-E: Acknowledgement for Use of School Drones on School Property
- KHB: Advertising in the School District-Revenue Enhancement
- KHB-R: Advertising in the School District-Revenue Regulation
- KHC: Distribution Of Non-District Related Materials
- KHC-E: Distribution of Non-District Related Materials-Sample Letter
- KHC-R: Distribution of Non-District Related Materials (for non-profit organizations) Regulation
- KI: Visitors to the Schools
- KI-R: Visitors and Volunteers in Schools
L | Education Agency Relations
- LBD: Charter Schools
- LBD-R-1: Charter School Procedure Manual 08.22.2023
- LBD-R-2: Charter School Application Contents
- LBD-R-3: School Charter Waivers of District Policy 04.25.2023
- LBD-R-3-E: Policy Designation Chart 04.25.2023
- 01.23.2024 Resolution Regarding Notice of Board Meetings
- 01.23.2024 FY2023-24 Use of Beginning Fund Balance Resolution
- 01.23.2024 FY2023-24 Appropriation Resolution
- 01.23.2024 Resolution Approving Renewal of North Star Academy
- 01.23.2024 Resolution Approving Renewal of STEM Charter School
- 01.23.2024 Resolution Approving Renewal of Ben Franklin Academy
- 02.27.2024 Resolution Regarding Employee Compensation SY2024-2025
- 02.27.2024 Resolution Transferring and Appropriating Unassigned Funds for Urgent Capital Needs
- 3.26.2024 Resolution Authorizing Acquisition of Real Property
- 03.26.2024 Resolution Concerning the Financing of Colorado Public Schools and School Districts
- 04.23.2024 Resolution Declaring Surplus Property (11722 Dransfeldt Road)
- 4.23.2024 Resolution To Waive Bid Requirements for Sale of 11722 Dransfeldt Road
- 05.07.2024 Resolution Regarding Naming of Student Services Center in Parker
- 05.07.2021 Resolution for Renewal of Admin ProTech Employees
- 05.07.2024 Resolution for Renewal of Classified At-Will Employees
- 05.07.2024 Resolution Regarding Contract Renewal of Licensed Employees
- 05.07.2024 Resolution Regarding the Displacement of Non-Probationary Licensed Employees
- 05.07.2024 Resolution Regarding the Non-Renewal of Probationary Licensed Employees
- 06.18.2024 Resolution Authorizing Participation in the State Treasurer's Interest-Free Loan Program
- 06.18.2024 FY2023-24 Final Revised Budget Appropriation Resolution
- 06.18.2024 FY2023-24 Final Revised Budget Use of Beginning Fund Balance Resolution
- 06.18.2024 FY2024-25 Adopted Appropriation Resolution
- 06.18.2024 FY2024-25 Adopted Use of Beginning Fund Balance Resolution
- 06.18.2024 Resolution Naming DEO and Authorizing Notice of Intent
- 08.27.2024 Resolution 2024-2025 Priorities for Board Committees
- 08.27.2024 Resolution CHSAA Committees 2024-25
- 08.27.2024 Resolution to Approve Bond Plan
- 08.27.2024 Resolution to Place Bond Issue on Ballot
- 09.24.2024.Resolution 2024-2025 SAG Priorities
- 10.08.2024 Resolution in Support of 2024 Bond Ballot Initiative
- 11.19.2024 Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Certain Dedicated Real Property Sterling Ranch
- 11.19.2024 Resolution Authorizing the Acquisition of Certain Dedicated Real Property RidgeGate
- 11.19.2024 2024 Bond Resolution
- 01.24.2023 Resolution to Accept Dedicated Real Property (Cielo)
- 01.24.2023 Resolution Approving Renewal of American Academy
- 01.24.2023 Resolution Approving Renewal of Academy Charter School
- 01.24.2023 Resolution Approving Renewal of Leman Classical Charter School
- 01.24.2023 Resolution Modifying Conditional Approval of Leman Replication
- 01.24.2023 Resolution Regarding Approval of Site Lease to Leman
- 01.24.2023 Appropriation Resolution
- 01.24.2023 FY2022-23 Use of Beginning Fund Balance
- 01.24.2023 Resolution Notice of Board Meetings
- 02.28.2023 Resolution Authorizing the Acquisition of Certain Real Property (Rockinghorse School Site Conveyance)
- 02.28.2023 Resolution Regarding Employee Compensation SY2023-2024
- 03.28.2023 Resolution Authorizing Sale of Property (Hidden Point)
- 03.28.2023 Resolution to Approve Omnibus Amendment
- 04.25.2023 Resolution Global Village Academy Expansion - 6th Grade
- 05.09.2023 Resolution for Renewal of Admin ProTech Employees
- 05.09.2023 Resolution for Renewal of Classified At-Will Employees
- 05.09.2023 Resolution Regarding Contract Renewal of Licensed Employees
- 05.09.2023 Resolution Regarding the Displacement of Non-Probationary Licensed Employees
- 05.09.2023 Resolution Regarding the Displacement of Probationary Licensed Employees
- 05.09.2023 Resolution Regarding the Non-renewal of Probationary Licensed Employees
- 05.09.2023 Resolution Honoring Kendrick Castillo
- 05.23.2023 Resolution Denying Charter Applications for ASI
- 05.23.2023 Resolution Denying Charter Applications for JDI
- 05.23.2023 Resolution Regarding Naming of Liniger Hall
- 06.06.2023 Resolution Accepting Written Resignation of Board Member
- 06.06.2023 Resolution Regarding A Board Vacancy
- 06.20.2023 2022-2023 Final Revised Appropriation Resolution
- 06.20.2023 2022-2023 Final Revised Use of Beginning Fund Balance Resolution
- 06.20.2023 2023-2024 Adopted Appropriation Resolution
- 06.20.2023 2023-2024 Adopted Use of Beginning Fund Balance Resolution
- 06.20.2023 Resolution of the Board of Education Regarding Charter Waivers
- 06.20.2023 Resolution Naming Designated Election Official
- 06.20.2023 Resolution State Treasure's Interest Free Loan Program for School Districts
- 08.08.2023 Resolution Approving Bond Plan
- 08.08.2023 Resolution to Place Bond Question on Ballot
- 08.08.2023 Resolution to Place Mill Levy Override Question on Ballot
- 08.08.2023 Resolution Regarding Compensation Should 2023 Mill Levy Override Pass
- 08.22.2023 Resolution CHSAA Committees 2023-24
- 09.26.2023 Resolution Amendment to Plan for Distribution of Additional MLO Revenue
- 09.26.2023 Resolution 2023-2024 Priorities for Board Committees
- 09.26.2023 Resolution Regarding Attorney’s Fees in the Matter of Robert Marshall v Douglas County Board of Education et al (Case No 2022CV30071)
- 10.10.2023 Resolution in Support of DCSD 2023 MLO and Bond
- 11.30.2023 2023 Resolution Certification of Election Results
- 12.12.2023 Resolution Accepting Written Resignation of Board Member
- 12.12.2023 Resolution Approving Expansion of Challenge to Excellence Charter School Building
- 12.12.2023 Resolution Declaring a Board Vacancy in Director District B
- 12.12.2023 Resolution to Certify District Mill Levies
- 01.25.2022 Resolution Approving the Challenge to Excellence Charter School Renewal Application
- 01.25.2022 Resolution Approving the Parker Core Knowledge Charter School Renewal Application
- 01.25.2022 Resolution Approving the Sky View Academy Charter School Renewal Application
- 01.25.2022 Resolution Approving the Renaissance Secondary Charter School Renewal Application
- 01.25.2022 Resolution Regarding Notice of Meetings of the Board of Education
- 01.25.2022 FY2021-2022 Revised Use of Beginning Fund Balance Resolution
- 01.25.2022 FY2021-2022 Revised Appropriation Resolution
- 01.25.2022 Resolution Concerning DCSD's Culture of Individual Excellence and Inclusion
- 02.22.2022 Resolution ACC
- 03.08.2022 Resolution Licensed Employee Salary Schedules
- 03.08.2022 Resolution Employee Benefits Plan Changes
- 03.22.2022 Resolution Seeking Extension in Marshall v DCSD AS AMENDED
- 04.26.2022 Resolution Identifying Lead Counsel
- 05.10.2022 Resolution Contract Renewal Licensed 22-23
- 05.10.2022 Resolution Displacement of Non-Probationary Licensed Employees 2022-23
- 05.10.2022 Resolution Non-Renewal of Probationary Licensed Employee Contracts 2022-23
- 05.10.2022 Resolution Concerning Administrators Professional Technical Employees
- 05.10.2022 Resolution Concerning Classified At-Will Employees
- 06.21.2022 2021-2022 Final Revised Appropriation Resolution v2
- 06.21.2022 SY 2022-2023 Adopted Budget Appropriation Resolution
- 06.21.2022 Resolution Regarding Extension of Charter Contract with HOPE
- 06.21.2022 Regarding Appointment of Designated Election Official
- 06.21.2022 Leman Resolution Conditional Approval
- 06.21.2022 STEM Resolution Denying Replication Application
- 06.21.2022 SY2022-2023 Adopted Budget Appropriation Resolution
- 06.21.2022 SY 2022-2023 Adopted Budget Use of Fund Balance Resolution
- 08.23.2022 Resolution Declaring the Cantril Property Surplus
- 08.23.2022 Resolution Regarding Sale of 312 Cantril Street
- 08.23.2022 Resolution to Place Mill Levy Override on November 2022 Ballot
- 08.23.2022 Resolution to Place Bond Question on November 2022 Ballot
- 08.23.2022 Resolution Regarding Compensation Should 2022 Mill Levy Override Pass
- 09.27.22 Resolution CHSAA Committees 2022-23
- 09.27.2022 Resolution Priorities for Board of Education Committees
- 09.27.2022 Resolution Authorization to Negotiate With Leman Classical Academy for a School Site
- 10.11.2022 Resolution in Support of 2022 MLO and Bond
- 10.11.2022 Resolution in Support of Withdrawal from RMSEL
- 11.15.2022 Resolution Authorizing Sale of Cantril
- 11.15.2022 Resolution to Opt Out of FAMLI
- 12.13.2022 SY 2022-2023 Mill Levy Certification
- 01.19.2021 FY2020-2021 Revised Use of Beginning Fund Balance Resolution
- 01.19.2021 FY2020-2021 Revised Appropriation Resolution
- 05.11.2021 Resolution Approving Sale Aspen View Academy Facility and Related Real Property
- 05.11.2021 Resolution Regarding the Non-renewal of Probationary Licensed Employee Contracts
- 05.11.2021 Resolution Regarding the Displacement of Non-Probationary Licensed Employees
- 05.25.2021 Resolution Concerning Administrators Professional and Technical Employees
- 06.01.2021 Resolution SY20-21 Final Revised Appropriation Resolution
- 06.01.2022 SY2020-2021 Final Revised Use of Beginning Fund Balance Resolution
- 06.22.2021 Resolution Appointing Designated Election Official
- 06.22.2021 Resolution Extending MBOC Sunset Date
- 06.22.2021 Resolution Authorizing Suit Against CDSIP
- 06.22.2021 Resolution Definition Actively Engaged
- 06.22.2021 Participation in State Treasurer Interest Free Loan Program
- 06.22.2021 Resolution for Superintendent Cabinet Members Contracts
- 06.22.2021 SY2021-2022 Adopted Budget Appropriation Resolution
- 06.22 .2021SY2021-2022 Adopted Budget Use of Fund Balance Resolution
- 08.24.2021 Resolution Board Committees Areas of Focus
- 09.28.2021 Resolution Authorizing One Time Employee Stipend and Reactivating Resolution
- 11.09.2021 Resolution Dedicated School Sites
- 11.17.2021 Resolution Approving Assignment and Authorizing Acquistion of Real Property
- 12.07.2021 Resolution Addressing Face Coverings and Other COVID Mitigation Requirements
- 12.14.2021 2021-2022 Mill Levy Resolution
- 12.14.2021 Resolution American Academy Waiver JLCC
- 12.14.2021 Resolution American Academy Waiver ADB
- 12.14.2021 Aspen View Academy Waiver JLCC
- 12.14.2021 Resolution North Star Academy Waiver JLCC
- 12.14.2021 Resolution Leman Academy Waiver JLCC
- 12.14.2021 Leman Academy Waiver ADB
- 01.07.2020 Resolution Regarding Notice of Meetings of the Board of Education
- 01.21.2020 Resolution Approving DCS Montessori Charter School Renewal Application
- 01.21.2020 Resolution Approving Global Village Academy Renewal Application
- 01.21.2020 Resolution Approving Platte River Academy Renewal Application
- 01.21.2020 Resolution Approving World Compass Academy Charter Renewal Application
- 01.21.2020 Resolution Authorizing the Use of Beginning Fund Balance
- 01.21.2020 FY 2019-2020 Appropriation Resolution
- 02.04.2020 Resolution Regarding the Census 2020
- 03.10.2020 Resolution Regarding Transitioning to a New Employee Compensation System
- 03.10.2020 Resolution Revoking Hope Online Learning Academy Elementary School Charter
- 03.26.2020 Resolution Regarding Maintenance of Employee Compensation During State of Emergency
- 03.26.2020 Resolution Board to Meet Electronically
- 03.26.2020 Resolution Increase Response and Decision Efficiency State of Emergency
- 03.26.2020 Resolution Emergency Purchases Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
- 05.12.2020 Resolution Regarding Contract Renewal for Licensed Employees
- 05.12.2020 Resolution Concerning Administrators Technical and Professional Employees
- 05.12.2020 Resolution Concerning Classified At-Will Employees
- 05.12.2020 Resolution Contract Renewal of Cabinet Members
- 05.12.2020 Resolution Regarding the Displacement of Non-Probationary Licensed Employees
- 05.12.2020 Resolution Regarding the Non-Renewal of Probationary Licensed Employee Contracts
- 06.09.2020 FY19-20 Appropriation Resolution
- 06.09.2020 FY19-20 Resolution Authorizing Beginning Fund Balance
- 06.09.2020 Resolution to Waive id Requirements for Sale of Dedicated School Sites
- 06.23.2020 FY2020-2021 Appropriation Resolution
- 06.23.2020 FY2020-2021 Resolution Authorizing Use of Beginning Fund Balance
- 06.23.2020 Resolution Authorizing Participation in the State's Interest Free Loan Program
- 06.23.2020 Resolution Reinstatement of Filing Monitoring Reports
- 06.23.2020 Resolution Concerning Adoption of Budget for the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year
- 08.04.2020 Extension of Suspending Restrictions for BoE to Attend Meetings Electronically
- 08.04.2020 Resolution Regarding Suspension of Certain Grad Requirements for 20-21 SY
- Resolution Regarding Suspension of Certain Graduation Requirements for the 2020-2021 SY
- 08.04.2020 Definition of "Actively Engaged in the Educational Process" and Student Attendance for the 20-21 SY
- 08.18.2020 Resolution Designating CHSAA Executive Committee Members 20-21
- 09.01.2020 Resolution Regarding Priorities for Board Committees
- 12.10.2020 Mill Levy Resolution.pdf
- 01.08.2019 Resolution Approving General Obligation Bonds Series 2019
- 01.08.2019 Resolution Concerning Hope Online Learning Academy Renewal Application
- 01.08.2019 Resolution Concerning North Star Academy Charter School Renewal Application
- 01.08.2019 Resolution Concerning STEM Charter School Renewal Application
- 01.08.2019 Resolution Concerning Ben Franklin Academy Charter School Renewal Application
- 01.08.2019 Board Values and Resolution Regarding Employee Benefits
- 01.08.2019 Resolution Regarding Notice of Meetings of the Board of Education
- 01.24.2019 FY 18-19 Appropriation Resolution
- 01.24.2019 FY 18-19 Authorizing the Use of a Portion of Beginning Fund Balance
- 03.05.2019 Acknowledgement of Apex Withdrawal
- 04.02.2019 Resolution Concerning District Policies
- 04.16.2019 Compensation of Staff for Snow and District Closure Days
- 04.16.2019 Resolution Approving Aspen View Academy Supplementary Expansion Application
- 05.14.2019 Resolution Concerning Administrators, Technical and Professional Employees
- 05.14.2019 Resolution Concerning Classified At-Will Employees
- 05.14.2019 Resolution Contract Renewal of Teacher
- 05.14.2019 Resolution Displacement of Contracts of Non-Probationary Licensed Teachers
- 05.14.2019 Resolution Non-Renewals of Contracts of Probationary Teachers
- 06.01.2019 Resolution Regarding Acceptance of Resigation of Teacher
- 06.04.2019 Contrtact Renewal of Cabinet Members
- 06.04.2019 Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Appropriation Resolution
- 06.04.2019 FY 2018-2019 Authorizing Beginning Fund Balance
- 06.18.2019 Resolution Regarding Appointment of Designated Election Official
- 06.18.2019 Resolution Regarding At-Will Post-Retirement Employment
- 06.18.2019 FY 2019-2020 Appropriation Resolution
- 06.18.2019 Resolution Authorizing Beginning Fund Balance FY19-20
- 06.29.2019 Resolution to Approve the STEM Charter School Contract
- 08.06.2019 Resolution REgarding CHSSA Executive Committee Members
- 08.06.2019 Resolution Regarding Leman Request for Extension of Waivers for 19-20 School Year
- 08.20.2019 Resolution Authorizing the Acquisition and Acceptance of Certain Real Property
- 08.20.19 Resolution Rearding Priorities for Board Committees
- 09.03.2019 Resolution Authorizing ACAD Conversion Application to CSI
- 09.03.2019 Resolution to Rescind Prohibiting Reimbursement
- 10.22.2019 Resolution Regarding Use of Dedicated School Sites
- 12.03.2019 Resolution Certification of Election Results
- 12.12.2019 Certification of 2019 Mill Levies Douglas County
- 12.12.2019 Certification of 2019 Mill Levies Elbert County
- 2018.01.16 FY17-18 Appropriation Resolution
- 2018.01.16 FY17-18 Beginning Fund Balance
- 2018.01.16 FY17-18 Revised Budget Resolution
- 2018.01.16 Resolution Regarding Notice of Meetings of BOE
- 2018.01.16 Resolution Regarding Special Education Task Force
- 2018.01.16 Resolution to Notice Changes to Board Policy BE.BEA.BEB
- 2018.02.06 Resolution of Contract Extension Hope Online
- 2018.02.06 Resolution on Exploration of Later Start Times for Secondary Students
- 2018.02.06 Resolution to Rescind the Resolution on State-Mandated Testing
- 2018.02.20 Resolution Regarding Joining CSIP
- 2018.03.06 Resolution Replacement Framework for BOE EndGoals Statement
- 2018.03.20 Resolution in Support of HB18-1232
- 2018.04.05 Resolution Designating Sole Finalist for DCSD Superintendent of Schools
- 2018.05.08 Concerning Administrators, Technical and Professional Employees
- 2018.05.08 Concerning Classified At-Will Employees
- 2018.05.08 Concerning Contract Renewal of Teachers
- 2018.05.08 Displacement of Contracts of Non-Probationary Licensed Teachers
- 2018.05.08 Non-Renewal of Contracts of Probationary Teachers
- 2018.05.08 Resolution Regarding Milestones Pertaining to Apex Community School
- 2018.06.05 FY 17-18 Appropriation Resolution
- 2018.06.05 FY 17-18 Authorizing the Use of Beginning Fund Balance
- 2018.06.05 FY 17-18 Final Revised Budget Resolution
- 2018.06.05 FY17-18 Supplemental Appropriation Resolution
- 2018.06.05 Plan for Distribution of Additional Mill Levy Revenue
- 2018.06.19 18-19 Adopted Budget Appropriation Resolution
- 2018.06.19 18-19 Adopted Budget Interfund Borrowing Resolution
- 2018.06.19 18-19 Adopted Budget Use of Fund Balance Resolution
- 2018.06.19 Colorado ETRANs 2018 School Resolution
- 2018.06.19 Resolution Disapproving Ascent Request for Vacant and Underused Property
- 2018.06.19 Resolution Regarding Appointment of Designated Election Official
- 2018.08.07 Resolution Priorities for Board Committes
- 2018-08.07 Resolution Regarding Leman Waivers from District Policies
- 2018.08.21 Resolution Regarding a Bond Election
- 2018.08.21 Resolution Regarding a Mill Levy Override Election
- 2018.10.02 Resolution Designating CHSSA Executive Committee Members
- 2018.10.02 Resolution in Support of 2018 Bond and Mill Levy Override
- 2018.12.13 Employee Compensation Values and Resolution
- 2017.1.17 Support of Process alignment FE
- 2017.2.21 2-Year Charter Applicant Cycle Resolution
- 2017.3.7 Admended Apex Resolution
- 2017.3.7 Resolution RE 2018 Opening
- 2017.04.04 BOE Resolution - Joint Subcommittee Resolution as amended
- 2017.5.9 Concerning Administrators, Technical and Professional Employees
- 2017.5.9 Concerning Classified AtWill Employees
- 2017.5.9 Contract Renewal of Teachers
- 2017.5.9 Displacement of Contracts of Non-Probationary Licensed Teachers
- 2017.5.9 Displacement of Contracts of Probationary Licensed Teachers
- 2017.5.9 NonRenewals of Contracts of Probationary Teachers
- 2017.6.20 Resolution Desig Elec Official
- 2017.6.20 Conditional Approval Ascent Classical Academy
- 2017.6.20 FY16-17 Appropriation Resolution
- 2017.6.20 FY16-17 Final Revised Budget Resolution
- 2017.6.20 FY16-17 Supplemental Budget and Appropriation Resolution
- 2017.6.20 FY16-17Beginning Fund Balance Resolution
- 2017.6.20 FY17-18 Appropriation Resolution
- 2017.6.20 FY17-18 Authorization to Borrow Unencumbered Funds
- 2017.6.20 FY17-18 Beginning Fund Balance
- 2017.6.20 FY17-18 Budget Resolution
- 2017.07.11 Resolution Regarding Financial Literacy
- 2017.7.11 Adopting the Colorado Academic Standards
- 2017.7.11 Resolution Concerning STEM PTech Application
- 2017.08.01 Ascent Classical Academy Contract Resolution
- 2017.09.05 Resolution Affirming L_E Vote from 8.15.17
- 2017.09.19 Resolution Apex to Withdraw Resolution Deadline Modify SPED Contract Language Terms
- 2017.10.03 Resolution Award of Lump Sum One Time Pay Increase
- 2017.10.03 Resolution DAC Priorities
- 2017.10.17 Exploration of Later Start Times for Secondary Students
- 2017.10.17 Resolution CHSSA Committees
- 2017.10.17 Resolution RE Secondary Start Times
- 2017.10.17 Resolution to Clarify Milestone Academy Status
- 2017.11.28 Certification of Election Results
- 2017.11.28 Resolution Attendance at CASB Convention
- 2017.11.28 Resolution for CASB Membership
- 2017.12.04 Certified Resolution Choice Scholarship
- 2017.12.04 Resolution Option A RFP Next Steps for Supt Search Process
- 12.04.2017 Certification and Resolution to Rescind Choice Scholarship and Choice Grant Program
- 2017.12.08 Shaded Certification of Choice Scholarship Resolution Signed
- 2017.12.12 Resolution ACS Contract Renewal
- 2017.12.12 Resolution American Academy Contract Renewal
- 2017.12.12 Resolution C2E Policy Waivers
- 2017.12.12 Resolution Parker Core Knowledge Policy Waivers
- 2017.12.30 Resolution on Selection of Search Firm for Superintendent Selection Process
- 2017.12.30 Resolution Regarding Contract Status of Apex Community School
- 1-19-16 Notice of Meetings of the Board of Education
- 2-2-16 Resolution Condemning AFT and DCFT Leadership
- 2-2-2016 Prohibiting Reimbursement, Payment or Awarding Grants to Any Active Board Member
- 2-16-16 Maximum Teacher Time Spent on Teacher-Student Face-to-Face Instruction
- 3-15-16 Condemning the Intimidation and Mistreatment of Staff
- 6-9-16 Authority of the President to Accept Resignation of Superintendent
- 7.19.2016 Resolution of BoE for AA Lincoln Meadows Expsansion
- 7-19-16 Resolution Designated Election Official
- 8-16-16 ATU Negotiations
- 8-16-16 Hope Charter Contract Amendment
- 8-16-16 Leman Classical Conditional Approval of Contract Application
- 8-16-16 Milestone Conditional Approval of Charter Application (1)
- 8-16-16 Milestsone and Leman Charter Application Approval Timeline (1)
- 9-8-16 District E Resignation and Declaration of Vacancy
- 9-20-16 Resolution Regarding CHSAA Scope of Employment
- 10-18-16 Approving the Use of Charter Buses to Transport District Students
- 11-15-16 - Conditional Approval for Apex Community School
- Board Resolution Regarding Staff Survey
- Resolution about Teacher Time
- 1_20_15 BoE Resolution re 14_15 Use of Beg Fund Bal
- 1_20_15 BoE Resolution re 14-15 Revised Appropriation
- 1_20_15 BoE Resolution re 14-15 Revised Budget
- 1_20_15 BoE Resolution re Notice of Meetings of the Board
- 1_20_15 Resolution Lease Purchase COP 2006
- 1-20-15 Notice of Board Meetings
- 1-20-15 Resolution - Authorizing Submission for a Waiver from PARCC Assessments
- 1-20-15 Resolution RE COPs
- 1-20-15 Waiver PARCC Assessments
- 1-23-15 STEM Contract Extension 10-21-14
- 3_17_15 BoE Resolution re World Compass Academy Charter Contract
- 3-17-15 GVA Charter Contract Signed
- 3-17-15 Resolution - STEM Expansion Application
- 3-17-15 Resolution - 5-year Contract Approval
- 3-17-15 STEM Grade Level Expansion Resolution
- 3-17-15 WCA Charter School Contract Signed
- 4_21_15 Resolution - Parent and Student Rights with Respect to State-Mandated Testing
- 4-21-15 Resolution Parent Student Rights RE Assessments
- 5_14_15 BoE Resolution re Admin Pro _ Tech Employees
- 5_14_15 BoE Resolution re Classified at Will Employees
- 5_14_15 BoE Resolution re Designated Election Official
- 5_14_15 BoE Resolution re Displacement of Contracts of Lic Tchrs
- 5_14_15 BoE Resolution re Nonrenewal of Probationary Tchrs
- 5_14_15 BoE Resolution re Renew Nonprobationary Tchrs
- 5_14_15 BoE Resolution re Renew Probationary Teachers
- 5-14-15 Resolution RE Designated Election Official
- 6_16_15 BoE Resolution re 14-15 Revised Appropriation
- 6_16_15 BoE Resolution re 14-15 Revised Budget
- 6_16_15 BoE Resolution re 14-15 Supplemental Budget _ Appropriation
- 6_16_15 BoE Resolution re 14-15 Use of Begining Fund Bal
- 6_16_15 BoE Resolution re 15_16 Budget Appropriation
- 6_16_15 BoE Resolution re 15-16 Inter Fund Borrowing
- 6_16_15 BoE Resolution re 15-16 Revised Budget
- 6_16_15 BoE Resolution re 15-16 Use of Beginning Funds
- 6_16-15 BoE Resolution re State Treasurers Interest Free Loan
- 8_18_15 BoE Resolution re CHSAA Scope of Employment
- 9_15_15 BoE Resolution re John Adams Charter Contract
- 9_15_15 BoE Resolution re Parker Performing Arts Charter Contract
- 12_15_15 BoE Resolution re Certification of Mill Levies
- 12-15-15 STEM Resolution RE Expansion to K-12
- 1_21_14 BoE Resolution re 13_14 Authorizing Use of Begin Fund
- 1_21_14 BoE Resolution re 13_14 Inter Fund Borrowing
- 1_21_14 BoE Resolution re 13_14 Revised Appropriation
- 1_21_14 BoE Resolution re 13_14 Revised Budget (2)
- 1_21_14 BoE Resolution re Board Director Vacancy
- 1_21_14 BoE Resolution State Mandated Testing
- 1-21-14 District F Vacancy
- 1-21-14 Post Notice of Mtgs of Board
- 1-21-14 Resolution - State Mandated Testing - testing res v4
- 2_18_14 BoE Resolution re 2014 Certificate of Participation
- 2_18_14 BoE Resolution re Ben Franklin Charter renewal
- 2_18_14 BoE Resolution re North Star Academy Charter renewal
- 2_18_14 BoE Resolution re Payoff Certificatess of Participation
- 2_18_14 BoE Resolution re Stem Charter renewal
- 2-4-14 Resolution - State Education Funding_signed
- 2-4-14 State Education Funding
- 4-15-14 Resolution- Conditional Approval WCA
- 5_6_14 BoE Resolution re Contract for Admin Pro Tech employees
- 5_6_14 BoE Resolution re Contract for Classified at will Employees
- 5_6_14 BoE Resolution re Contract Renew Probationary tchrs
- 5_6_14 BoE Resolution re Nonrenew Contracts Probationary tchrs
- 5_6_14 BoE Resolution re Renew Nonprobationary tchrs
- 5_6_14 BoE Resolution re Student _ Teacher data collection
- 5_6_14 Resolution re Student and Teacher Data Collection approved
- 5-6-14 Resolution re Data Security_Final as approved
- 5-6-14 Resolution RE Student and Teacher Data Collection
- 5-6-14 Student Teacher Data Collection
- 5-16-14 Resolution RE Employee Compensation signed
- 6_17_14 BoE Resolution 13-14 Revised Appropriation
- 6_17_14 BoE Resolution 13-14 Revised Budget
- 6_17_14 BoE Resolution 13-14 Supplemental Budget _ Appropriation
- 6_17_14 BoE Resolution 13-14 Use Beg Fund Bal
- 6_17_14 BoE Resolution re 14_15 Inter Fund Borrowing
- 6_17_14 BoE Resolution re 14-15 Appropriation
- 6_17_14 BoE Resolution re 14-15 Budget
- 6_17_14 BoE Resolution re 14-15 Use Beginning Fund Bal
- 6_17_14 BoE Resolution re State Interest Free Loan Pt 1
- 6_17_14 BoE Resolution re State Interest Free Loan Pt 2
- 6-3-14 Resolution RE Dismissal Proceedings
- 6-17-14 General Obligation Refunding Bond Series 2014-2015
- 6-17-14 Resolution - Ben Franklin 5 year contract resolution
- 6-17-14 Resolution - North Star 5 year contract resolution
- 6-17-14 Resolution - STEM 3 year contract resolution
- 7_15_14 BoE Resolution re Notice to Clerk for Election
- 7-15-14 BOE Resolution re Election
- 7-15-14 National School Lunch Program
- 7-15-14 Participation Nov 2014 Coordinated Election
- 7-15-14 Resolution - National School Lunch Program
- 8_19_14 BoE Resolution re CHSAA Scope of Employment
- 9-2-14 Innovation Waiver Resolution - READ Act
- 9-2-14 Resolution Authorizing Submission of Innovation Waiver to State BoE
- 10_21_14 BoE Resolution re STEM Contract extension
- 12_11_14 BoE Resolution re 14_15 Mill Levies
- 12_11_14 BoE Resolution re Refunding 2006 Certs of Participation
- Resolution re Dismissal Proceedings Tia Tompkins
- 1 1_15_13 BoE Resolution re 12_13 Revised Budget
- 1_15_13 BoE Resolution re Board Vacancy
- 1_15_13 BoE Resolution re meeting notices
- 1_15_13 BoE Resolution re Revised Appropriation
- 1_15_13 BoE Resolution re Use of Beg Fund Bal
- 3_14_13 BoE Resolution re DCHS Energy Contractor
- 3-14-13 Energy Performance Contracting DCHS
- 3-14-13 MOU Colorado Springs Early Colleges
- 4_16_13 BoE Resolution re Margaret Thatcher
- 4-16-13 Life Legacy Margaret Thatcher
- 5_7_13 BoE Resolution re Opposition to SB 13-213
- 5_7_13 BoE Resolution re Designated Official
- 5_21_13 BoE Resolution re Admin Protech renewal
- 5_21_13 BoE Resolution re Classified at-will renewal
- 5_21_13 BoE Resolution re nonrenewal Nonprobationary tchrs
- 5_21_13 BoE Resolution re nonrenewal Probationary tchrs
- 5_21_13 BoE Resolution re renewal Nonprobationary tchrs
- 5_21_13 BoE Resolution re renewal Probationary Teachers
- 5-7-13 BoE Resolution RE SB13-213signed
- 5-14-13 Resolution Regarding Raises Signed
- 6_18_13 BoE Resolution 12_13 Final revised Appropriation
- 6_18_13 BoE Resolution 12_13 Final revised Budget Resolution
- 6_18_13 BoE Resolution 12_13 Final revised Use of Begin Fund Bal
- 6_18_13 BoE Resolution 12_13 Supp Budget _ Approp
- 6_18_13 BoE Resolution 13_14 Inter-fund borrowing
- 6_18_13 BoE Resolution 13-14 Budget Appropriation
- 6_18_13 BoE Resolution 13-14 Budget Resolution (1)
- 6_18_13 BoE Resolution 13-14 Use of Beg Fund Bal
- 6_18_13 BoE Resolution re Global Village Academy
- 6_18_13 BoE Resolution re World Compass Academy
- 7_16_13 BoE Resolution re Academy Charter Renewal
- 7_16_13 BoE Resolution re State Interest Free Loan
- 7-16-13 BoE Resolution to Renew ACS
- 7-16-13 Common Core Standards
- 7-16-13 Resolution - Common Core Standards
- 7-16-13 Resolution to Renew ACS Contract.pdf.
- 8_6_13 BoE Resolution re 12-13 Revised Budget
- 8_6_13 BoE Resolution re CHSAA Scope of Employment
- 9_3_13 BoE Resolution re Employee Pay _ Student based Budgets
- 9-3-13 Employee Compensation SB Budgets fully executed
- 9-3-13 Town of Castle Rock RE Annexation
- 10_1_13 BoE Resolution re Hope On Line contract extension
- 10_1_13 BoE Resolution re Opposition Amendment 66
- 10-1-13 Hope Online Contract Extension
- 10-1-13 Resolution BoE in opposition to amendment 66 signed
- 11_19_13 BoE Resolution re Commeration of Gettysburg Address
- 12_3_13 BoE Resolution re Certification of Election results
- 12_12_13 BoE Resolution re 13_14 Mill Levy Adoption
- 12_12_13 BoE Resolution re Waiving Exclusive Charter Authority
- 12-12-13 Waiving of Exclusive Chartering Authority