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Board Committees

District Accountability Committee

In Colorado, it is a statutory requirement for every school district to have a District Accountability Committee (DAC). 

Fiscal Oversight Committee

The primary function of the Fiscal Oversight Committee (FOC) is to assist the Board of Education in fulfilling its fiscal oversight responsibilities. 

Long Range Planning Committee

The charge of the Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) is to study school district sites, boundaries and capacity needs. 

Mill Bond Oversight Committee  

The purpose of the Mill Bond Oversight Ad-Hoc Committee (MBOC) is to become familiar with the 2018 Mill Levy Override and bond program and project list. 

Mill Bond Exploratory Ad Hoc Committee

The charge of the Mill Bond Exploratory Committee (MBEC) shall be to explore the needs of the district, both ongoing operational and capital needs, and to assess the feasibility of a successful Mill Levy Override (MLO) and/or Bond issue on future ballots. 

Student Advisory Group  

The Student Advisory Group (SAG) provides an opportunity for the Board and District personnel to have a focus group of high school students who express what they think is important regarding their education.